Road trip H.O

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Pairings: Harrison x Holland! Sister

Summary: A 2 hour road trip with your boyfriend and brother how bad could it be

Warnings: little cursing, fluff

Lets go on a road trip they said, it'll be fun they said. Just kidding, it was a great idea, going on a road trip with your boyfriend and brothers too.

You were staying at a hotel in New York with Harrison, Your boyfriend and your three annoying yet loving brothers, Tom, Harry and Sam. Paddy was in London because of school. Tom had to get to Washington for press and you were in New York, so they thought why not make a it a road trip.

There they were at 6 am knocking at your and Harrison's hotel room anxiously. You wake up and check time, before you could reach out to grab your phone you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist pulling you back in the bed. "No, don't leave me" Harrison said in a raspy voice as he tighten his grip.

"Hazzy we have to get up the boys are here I think" you coo, trying to get out of his strong grip, he just groaned in response. Getting up you rub your eyes with the back your hand and open the door revealing your brothers.

"And she's alive!" Harry snickered, as he entered the room Tom and Sam following suit. "Morning to you too" you say groggily.

"Chop, chop we gotta get going" Tom ordered as he snapped his fingers motioning you to get a move on. You immediately rush to the bathroom to freshen up and pack a few things. Harry saw Harrison still and decided to prank him.

"Hey," he whispered catching your attention, "We should prank Haz to wake him up" he said making the boys grin. They slowly tip tied to your bedroom where he was sleeping.

"Don't" you whisper yelled warning them, because you knew how Haz was in the morning. "Oh shush" Tom stated.

While you were in the shower Harry explained his master plan to his brothers. Harrison was still in deep slumber when he felt your side of the bed dip. Thinking it was you, he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist; Harry already regretting his prank. Tom and Sam stood at the end of the taking out their phones to record whilst trying not to laugh.

"Mm-mm" Harrison hummed, "I knew you'd come back" he sighed. At this point Harry was whispering to the boys to get him out but they just continued to record.

"Last night was amazing darling" Harrison smirked, eyes still closed not knowing it's Harry.

"That's fucking disgusting!" Harry had enough of it now and pushed Harrison away, making him open his eyes wide and realise it was Harry and not you

"What the hell are you doing here?! And where is y/n? Harrison enquired angrily. Tom and Sam were busy rolling on the floor laughing. Like literally. You came out of the shower and saw what was going on and guessed as much what must have happened.

"I warned you didn't I?" You giggled.

"Oh shut up, let's get going we're gonna be late!" The curly haired boy said as he stormed out of your room in disgust.

Half an hour later you and Harrison were checking out while the boys put the bags in the car. You exit out of the hotel hand in hand with Harrison only to see your brothers arguing.

"No I called shotgun first!" Sam whined.

"Yeah, but I'm the oldest I should get to sit in front" Tom stated.

"So what? Everyone knows I have the best playlist. I should sit in front." Harry said proudly. As they kept on arguing you tip toed and slid into the passengers seat. "You are so sneaky!" Harrison grinned from the drivers seat, as you simply shrugged. "Are we leaving or not?" you yelled trying to control your laughter. The three of them stopped what they were doing and whipped their heads in the direction of your voice; all of them shocked. You couldn't hold back anymore and burst into laughter looking at your brothers who now started groaning.

"Ho- when did you? Tom stuttered, he was so confused. "It's not fair!" Harry pouted. Sam was just proud of how sneaky you were. "But I'm spider-man" the brunet exclaimed.

"And it ain't my fault your spidey senses aren't working" you scoffed causing everyone besides Tom to laugh and send high fives your way.

"And it ain't my fault your spidey senses aren't working" you scoffed causing everyone besides Tom to laugh and send high fives your way

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liked by tomholland2013 and others

y/n_username In the batmobile with my Batman ❤️ (and some other idiots)

lifeisaloha bae 💕

harryholland64 🙄

hazfanno1 they're so cute!!!

hazosterfield 🥰

liked by hazosterfield and others

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liked by hazosterfield and others

harryholland64 taking the scenic route would be fun she said.

samholland1999 It was fun leaving you at the gas station 😂
hollander4ever@ samholland1999
oh my god you guys left him at the

as station?😂

tomholland2013 @ hollander4ever yes we did! And it was the highlight of our trip 😂😂😂

y/n_username thanks for the pic bro #sorrynotsorryfortheprank

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