Warmth in the cold P.P ♡︎

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You began to stir from your sleep when you looked out the window, you saw the white powder covered all over the city. A wide grin grew on your face when you realized the day, Christmas Day, you turned to face your husband, who was fast asleep. "Petey wake up!" You shake him to wake him, "It's Christmas morning!" His eyes began to flutter open, reciprocating your smile.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart!" He whispered, pulling you closer as you pecked his cheeks. "Excuse me, where is my Christmas kiss?" He whined, as you chuckled and placed your chapped lips onto his; him instantly melting into it as you smiled in the kiss. Staying there for a few minutes made you realize that this man right here was everything you've ever wanted and were extremely grateful to have him in your life.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I'm so grateful to have you in my life."

"Y/n," he began by cupping your cheeks, "I too am so glad to have met you and have spend every single day of the rest of my life with you!" You giggled, "I'm cold, can you cuddle with me?" You asked him.

"No." He said as he got out of the bed and went out the room, leaving you worried. Soon enough he entered the room with your six month old sleeping daughter cradled in his arms. This sight made you even more grateful to have him as the father of your child. Carefully dipping his side of the bed he said, "I'm gonna cuddle with both my princesses' today."

Best Christmas ever!

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