Love wins H.O

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Requested by   Hey, can you pls do one of Harrison based on the song "Rewrite the stars" by Zac Efron and Zendaya, like they like each other but he's famous and she's not, and she's afraid that everyone is gonna hate her, because she's a "nobody". Idk something really cute 🥰🥰🥰

Warnings: Little bit angsty, language, fluff

a/n: I decided to change it a bit, hope you like it!

Love, trust and understanding are the what drive two people to be together, it's what makes them strong but like every coin has two sides, so did your relationship with Harrison did. You cherished the moments you had with him, but neither of you knew it would be fear that drove you apart; at least, that is what drove you apart from him. It wasn't the fear of losing him but it was the fear of other people, strangers, being so critical of your life and relationship.

"Y/n, please I'm begging you, please don't leave me." Your boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, choked on his sob. You couldn't take it anymore, you knew this would happen when you agreed to be his girlfriend but sometimes it just went a bit too far. "Let's not say things we don't mean." But you were persistent, your life wasn't normal anymore, there were millions of people always following you and Harrison whenever you were on dates or even at the fucking supermarket, and if that wasn't enough there were people online sending hate just because they were jealous.

"I'm sorry Harrison." You whispered, tears threatening to spill, you didn't even look him in the eye and then just walked out of his apartment, the second the door closed you let out a small sob.

1 week later

"Y/n, please let me in, I know you're in." Tom was standing outside your house, he had been coming to your house to check up on you when he heard the news; he couldn't believe his ears because everyone knew Harrison and you were the most powerful couple who would last forever, but things change. Even Harrison didn't stay quiet, he kept calling, texting, finding some way to contact you, but all you did was stay in your house and ignore the only good thing that happened to you.

You opened the door for Tom because after all he was your best friend too and you really needed a shoulder to cry on considering you just lost the only person who comforted you. Tom entered and saw you were in the exact same mess has Harrison, "You need to tell me what happened." His softened. After explaining your predicament Tom took a deep breath and then began, "Tell me one thing Y/n, do you love him?"

"Head over heels for him." It was true, you were in love with him and your decision broke your heart into a million pieces because you just weren't ready to let go of him.

"Then screw what some strangers say about you, if you really do love him not else in the world would matter to the both of you. So what I'm trying to say is, go. Go to him and tell him you can't live without him because he is just as fucked up as you", just then there was a soft knock and both you and Tom knew who it could have been. Opening the door you saw Harrison just as miserable as you, without saying a single word you just hugged him and sobbed as he held you tightly and kissed your forehead. "I'm so sorry." You sniffled.

"It's okay, I'm here." He reassured and kept stroking you head, something he would always to do comfort you and so far it was working. "I'm so sorry Harrison, it was such a terrible decision which only made me realize that I can't stay away from you and the past week has been like hell." You rambled on, he cupped you cheeks and wiped away your tears with the pads of his thumbs and then kissed your nose. "I'm sorry too," he whispered, his breath fanning over your lips, "you shouldn't have gone through all of that alone." Now tears escaped from his eyes too, "I promise you won't face it alone if you just take me back, because I'm just so in love with you and you're the only thing that keeps me sane." You chuckled.

"I missed that sound." He said, his glossy blue eyes looking into yours. There was nothing else left to do except press your lips on his and you missed that feeling, the feeling of being his once again and now forever because if fear can drive you apart, love will reel you back in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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