I love a rainy night P.P

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Warnings: fluff, typos

The sound of soft rain drops caught your attention as you sat on your bed reading and your boyfriend sitting at your study table fixing his web shooters. "Hey, Pete." you called out to him keeping your book aside. He simply hummed in response, not paying attention to you.

"Pete!" You beckoned again, "It's raining! Lets go out!" Peter whipped his head at you, a small screwdriver hanging on his lips, his messy curls making him look as adorable as ever. You giggled and walked over to him, running your fingers through his hair, "Let's take a break, you need it."

"Yeah." He smiled lazily and the next second he sprung up on his feet,"Okay I got an idea, let's go." He took your hand walked to your window, you giggled as told you hold on tight, the cold winds making you shiver.

You tried your best not to scream as Peter swung you across the city, you opened your eyes one the brunet deemed it was safe to; and once you did you realized it was the same rooftop Peter had taken you when he told you he was spider-man.

Peter stared at you lovingly. "What?" You ask as the raindrops fell on your face and drenched your hair. He didn't say anything, he just smiled and leaned in and kissed you tenderly his fingers entangled in your wet hair. "That's a good answer." You giggle as he pulls away"Oh yeah?" He smirks, "How about I give a detailed answer?" You laugh as he once again pulls you in for another satisfying kiss.

After a few good minutes you pull away and now your head is rested on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat; his chin on your head tightening his grip on your waist and swaying to the sound of the rain. It had been almost 30 minutes of pure bliss,just the two of you dancing in the rain.

When it's started to slow down Peter suggested to take you back to your apartment, after swinging across he safely got you to the fire escape in front of your room and was ready to go back to his place when you stopped him, "Where are you going Pete?" You asked him.

"Back to my place?" He chuckled.

"You're not going anywhere, it's still raining and it's too late, tell May you're sleeping over." Even if Peter wanted he couldn't say no, never in a million years could he say no to spending more time with you. So he agreed, the two of you climbed into your room water dripping everywhere, you got two towels and got dried and handling the boy his clothes you had kept for emergencies (and maybe a few hoodies that you stole and never returned)

Once you were dried up you were laying in bed as Peter emerged from the bathroom looking all cute and snuggly and made grabby hands at him he let out a low chuckled, which was music to your ears, and he slid under the covers. You once again placed your head on his chest and his arms protectively wrapped around you, drifting off into deep slumber.

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