Black and white P.P

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 Soulmate AU

a/n: I have no idea what I have written. Feedback is appreciated :)

In a world full of chaos and crime there was only one thing most of the people looked forward to and that was finding their true love or better known as their soulmates. As for you, you've always loved the story of how your parents found each other which was better than any fairy tale. And now you waited for your own.

Everyone was born with a black wrist band and when it turns white it means you've found your true love and soulmate.

You're 18 years and almost half of your school had found their soulmates, trying to hide your emotions was one of your greatest strengths. And here you were again, trying to hide the fact that your depressed that you still haven't found the one. Your parents always reassured you that it will happen soon or at unexpected time, and you listened to them like it was gospel.

"She's so gorgeous Ned!" Peter said dreamily and he leaned on his locker looking at you laughing with your friends. "Yeah, Peter you've said that for the 58th time now, in the past hour!" Ned yelled in frustration, making Peter mutter a soft 'sorry'.

The day went by quickly and now you were on your way walking home. Peter too was busy patrolling after school, everyday when you used to walk home Peter used to keep an eye on you; not stalking you like a creep but making sure your reached home safely.

But today when he was patrolling he noticed two shady guys following you.

"Karen can you pull up the database of those two guys?" he asked the AI system. "On it Peter!" Reading the information in front of him his spidey senses heightened, he swooped down from the building ledge he was squatting on and webbed the bad guys up. All the chaos caught your attention but also startled you at the same time.

"Are you okay?" he breathed through the spandex suit. You were absolutely speechless, you couldn't believe that The Spiderman who just saved your life was standing in front of you. "Yeah, I-I'm fine." You gulped. "T-thank you." Peter could see how scared you were, "Could I maybe walk you home?"

"Oh, you don't have to." You hesitated.

"Please I insist." It was not everyday that you'd get a superhero to walk you home so you took agreed, but that the last moment he decided to change the way of "walking" you home; instead his swung you across the city. First time for everything right?

On reaching your apartment building, you carefully unwrapped your arms from around his neck, sending a small thank you. As you enter the elevator, you notice something; your black wrist band was now white. At first you thought you were hallucinating, could it be possible? Your soulmate was spiderman?

Meanwhile Peter was in some alley freaking out and dancing that you were his soulmate, after all these years finally. But you were wondering if you'd ever meet him again. The next week you distanced yourself from everyone, this is the one thing that you've been waiting for all this time and now you have no idea how to deal with it. Peter too was anxious and worried about you, he wanted to tell you but he didn't want to put you in danger.


One day while you were walking back home from school, passing an alleyway when you heard a noise. Walking towards it you saw what you'd been waiting for, spiderman all alone. All you wanted was a conversation with him to sort out the situation.

"Hey." You stuttered, being nervous was an understatement, this guy is supposed to be your soulmate; there must be a reason the universe put you two together. Thanks to Peter's spidey sense he knew you were there, turning around he looks at your shy and nervous demeanor, and falls in love with you all over again.

"Hey." he says though his spandex mask.

"I actually wanted to talk about the other day," you inform as you rolled up your sleeve to show the now white band, "but you know it's alright if you don't want to." You stutter. Peter just wanted to hug you and comfort you but he something else in mind. "Do you trust me?"he asked as he stepped closer to you. Confused and scared you didn't know what to say, but you felt some sort of connection with him, it was like you've known him forever. "Yes." You gulped.

Peter wrapped his one around your waist and shot a web with the other and he pulled you up, you kept your eyes closed the entire time and tightened your grip around him. Feeling the ground below your feet, you carefully opened your eyes and quickly noticed the surrounding. He had taken you on the roof of some building which had an extremely charming view of Queens.

"Y/n.." He whispered. You were confused, how did spiderman know your name? And then he slowly started to lift his mask; right now you were terrified, what if it was some older man trying to fake being spiderman to kidnap you. But the all your doubts were cleared when your eyes met a beautiful pair of hazel ones, giving you a sense of relief. "Peter?" You asked timidly.

"You must be pretty disappointed."

"What? No I'm not! I'm glad actually."


"Yeah, I mean, I've always had a crush on you and now," you bit you lip, making Peter blush," I'm so so happy that you're my soulmate."

"Yo-you've had a crush on me?" You nodded in response. Peter pulled you in a tight hug and completely underestimated his strength. "Peter!" You gasped.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay." You reassured him as you pulled him onto your lips; it took Peter a while to comprehend what was happening but eventually melted into it.

"I'm so happy I've finally found you." You admit pulling away.

"Me too." Peter once again pulled you in his embrace.

"Peter!" You gasped once again.

"I'm sorry." He winced.

"It's okay, we can work on that." You smiled at him. 

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