Surprise Surprise T.H ♡︎

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Requested: Hey!!😊 Could you write some angst with the reader not telling tom that she has been feeling sick while his away because she just hates depending on others?

Warnings: mentions of vomiting, angst-ish and fluff to finish it off.

rich kid!tom

For the third time this morning you padded towards the bathroom to hurl your guts out, you've been feeling a bit sick for the past couple of mornings but unfortunately your boyfriend wasn't here to take care of you. Tom was half way around the world on a business meeting and you didn't want to bother him or anyone for that matter.

After taking some meds you went back to bed, thinking that it must be a stomach bug. Just as you were about to doze off your phone started vibrating and it was none other than your loving boyfriend wanting to facetime you. "How's my favourite person doing?" Tom beamed as you answered his call, "Not well apparently." He answered on you behalf seeing you lying in bed. "You okay?"

"I'm fine Tom, it's just a stomach bug." You reassured him, "How was your meeting?" He went on to tell about his day, occasionally asking if you were okay and you kept on reassuring him you were even though you weren't; you didn't want to bother him while he was busy. "If you'd like, I could send Harry to get you some soup or something?" It was now getting on your nerves,"Tom I said I'm fine! I don't need anyone's help!" You yelled at him before cutting the call abruptly and shoving your face in your pillow, closing your eyes and getting the long awaited rest you needed.

It had been three days since you last spoke to Tom, you were feeling better but thinking that he would be mad at you based on how you ended the call last time. You were currently in kitchen whipping up a meal for yourself when the sound of the door being unlocked caught you attention, "Darling?" Tom called out softly, dropping off his bags and engulfing you in a hug the moment he saw you. "I was so worried." He whispered in your hair, making you once again reassure him that you were.

"I even sent Harry with your favourite soup but he told me you didn't open door, you have to tell me what's going on love." You remembered when Harry had kept knocking but you ignored him because you were crying your eyes out. "Come here." You told him, leading him to the couch, "I wanted to tell you the morning you call but I was too scared of how you'd react."

"You're scaring me Y/n, what's wrong?"

You took a deep breath before you began,"I'm pregnant." It was the silence that fell when with Tom's face that made your heart race.

"Tom?" You called him out of his trance.

"Is it true?" You nodded, getting up and getting the the proof, the pregnancy stick that confirmed that you were, in fact the mother of his child. Tom didn't say anything he just smiled and pecked you lips pulling you in his embrace. "So you're not mad?"

"Mad? Love I'm so happy! Now I have one more person to spoil!" He exclaimed, making you laugh. He got down on his knees and lifted up you shirt and kissed you stomach which happened to tickle you, "Daddy's gonna love you so much!" He whispered, "You know, I was waiting for later, but since we're giving each other surprises..." he trailed off and took out a velvet box out of his pocket, "Y/n..." he began, opening the box and revealing the most beautiful ring you had ever seen and before Tom could continue you gave him the answer he wanted, "Yes."

"And that's is all I ever want." He slipped on the ring, promising never to leave you or your little one ever.

a/n: this is so terrible, here's your un-see juice 🧃

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