Moving in H.O

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a/n: Haven't done a headcanon for a long time so...

After many years of saving, you and Harrison finally brought a place of your own

Living with Tom, Harry and Tuwaine was fun but as a couple you needed your own privacy

So after months of looking at real estate you finally found the perfect place

Weeks go by and you're slowly moving in your things from Tom's place to your new one

And once everything was shifted, you and Harrison felt extremely over the moon to finally have a place all to yourselves

Since you were on the shorter side, Harrison would often try to keep things as high as possible just as an excuse to lift you

Which you didn't mind

Shopping together for furniture and other things

Having small arguments at first on what goes where in the house

"Plates go in the cabinets on top and the pans go down!" You told him, "I swear if even one pan falls on my head, you'll have to sleep with one eye open!"

And as much as he loves you he is also scared of you so he does what you say

Spending the whole day cuddling and watching movies without anyone interrupting

The boys coming over without calling just because they ran out of food

Harrison turning into a dad and telling them to go grocery shopping

Spending lots of time dancing while cooking

All said and done, best decision ever!

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