Charm H.O

437 19 4


Warnings: B99 references, fluff, Y/n being a little evil 🤏

You sigh exasperatedly as your brother begged you to come with them because they were short a member to have a paintball match. "Why don't you take Paddy with you?" You asked, "I'm sure he'd love to come."

"I already did! But he's got homework."
"Seriously?" He nodded, "And I told you, I'm not coming if he is." You pointed at the blue eyed boy standing behind your brother.

"Title of your sex tape." Harrison chimed in and earned a glare from both Tom and me. Tom turned to you and continued to beg, you sat on the bar stool of the kitchen deciding not to budge. "Tom, I hate him." You whispered, motioning towards Harrison who was busy scrolling on his phone.

"Hate is a strong word."
"Yeah that's why I used it." You defended.
"Oh come on love, I'm not that terrible." Harrison joined in the conversation.

"Title of your sex tape." Now you shot back taking your revenge, there wasn't really a valid reason for you to hate him but his flirty mannerisms really annoyed you, it wasn't that he was not easy on the eyes; you always felt he was a bit too smug.

"I'll take that as a compliment, thanks." You narrowed your eyes at him. "I mean just think of it, we'll be in a room, you with a gun and against me; doesn't that sound a bit of fun?" And then the cogs in your brain start moving and you begin to imagine shooting where it might hurt him the most. After you finish painting a mental picture you thought you laughed manically in your head but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. "Let's do it!" You told your brother, a lot more excited than before.

"S-should I be worried?" You couldn't believe it, Harrison was scared? Of you? This was going to be great. "You bought this on yourself man." Tuwaine clapped his back and everyone piled in the car, on to the paintball arena. You were bubbling with excitement the whole time, this was the first time you were so happy to do some activity that included Harrison. As you were gearing up Harrison walked to you, "Good luck out there Y/n," He bent down to your ear, "you're gonna need it." He whispered and sent you a cheeky wink.

"Believe me," you let out a dark chuckle, "you will be needing it more than me." You said looking him in dead in those ocean blue eyes and then picking up the paintball gun, scaring him a bit more.

"I am loving this color on you Y/n." You thanked Tuwaine for his compliment and divided yourselves into your teams making sure you were against Harrison. Tom, Harry and you were on one team whereas Harrison, Tuwaine and Sam on the other. The game stared off by everyone going easy on the other and then everything went to hell within fifteen minutes. Boys. But for you, your sole purpose was to take out Harrison in the best possible way; who knew all those hours of playing video games with your brothers would finally pay off?

An hour later and you and Harrison were the only ones left, and things just got more interesting. You were walking around searching for Harrison and then you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you and pressing you against the wall; of course it was Harrison. You looked up at him and stared into his eyes, you could see the glint of mischief in them. "Do it then." You whispered and closed your eyes taking your defeat with all the pride left in you. But then the unexpected happened, instead of feeling the pain of the paintball you fell his soft lips on yours and you didn't pull away; you even let him deepen the kiss, his free hand was now on your waist pulling you even more closer if possible.

You pulled away breathless and once again looking at him and thought of the perfect plan, trying to be as subtle as possible you swiftly lifted the gun, aimed at his vest covered chest and pulled the trigger and before he knew it you were sprinting out. At the end of the line Tom and Harry were cheering for you as Sam and Tuwaine groaned in defeat as Harrison emerged from behind you. "Ha ha in your face sucker!" You teased Harrison but nonetheless he was smiling proudly and kept thinking to himself how seeing you smile was worth it.

Before you and the gang could head back Harrison caught up to you while you were alone. "Uh, Y/n?" He stuttered, "Can we talk about earlier?"

"What's wrong, surprised the Harrison charm didn't work on me?"
"Well, yes and no." He shrugged, "But I wouldn't call that the Harrison charm."
"Then what is the Harrison charm?" You crossed your arms over your chest waiting for his explanation. "Why don't I take you on a date and see for yourself?"

"Hard pass." You chuckled.
"One date," he pleaded, "please?" After a lot of pleading you finally went out with him and you did end up falling for the Harrison charm and the charmer too. 

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