Priorities H.O

838 17 0

Warnings: Making out, suggestive themes.

It was a regular day at the Osterfield mansion, too many meetings and your boyfriend being busy as always. It never really bothered you how much time the mob was taking away from Harrison and you wanted to do something about it. You knew that today wasn’t one of the busiest days so you decided to do something to get his attention.

Harrison was in his office, in the middle of an important meeting when his phone dinged; it was a text from you, a photo actually. The phone was under the table so he opened it which revealed a photo of you laying in his bed, shoulders bare hidden under the white sheets. Harrison’s breath hitched at that sight and then he saw the bubbles appear and another text from you, Missing you xx. And Harrison couldn’t take it anymore, so he called the meeting off, during the meeting saying he had to take care of something and told everyone in the room to leave and shooting a quick text to you, to meet him in his office immediately. 

When you got the text you were a little scared, you could sense the tone from his text that he was not pleased by your actions. Quickly, pulling one of his hoodies over your head you made your way to his office, the door creaked a bit and you saw Harrison sitting on his famous leather chair going through something on his phone. The creaking of the door caught his attention and his jaw clenched a bit when he saw you in nothing but his hoodie which was riding up your thighs.

“You needed something Haz?” You asked innocently as if you hadn’t done anything.

“Don’t be so innocent love,” he smirked and motioned you to come, “you know what you’ve done.” He said with needy eyes, hastily grabbing your waist and making you straddle him. “You know you're not allowed to distract me while I’m working?” You hummed as his lips ghosted yours. “And now I’m thinking of punishing you.” He whispered and closed the gap between, giving rough and sloppy kisses full of lust and need. He pulled away as his lungs ran short of air, but trailed down your jaw and then your neck, sucking on your soft skin and leaving love bites all over your collar bones.

His hands found home under your hoodie, tightening his grip around your waist and slowly running his fingers down as his cool rings gave you chills and little moans escaping your mouth. He placed his hands under your thighs lifting you up from your straddle position and legs wrapping ‘around his torso, hoisting you up he walked over and pinned you to the nearest wall as you kept on moaning his name breathlessly.

"Now that will teach you not to distract me while I'm working eh?" He pulled away and flashed a smug smile, letting you down and giving you small and loving pecks. "But I don't think you've punished me enough." You batted your eyelashes at him as he quirked an eyebrow. "Then how about I take you to the bedroom and show you?" He laughed and pushed away a few stray hairs from your face, his breath fanning over your face and you humming in agreement.

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