Nice to meet you H.O♡︎

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a/n: Hey!!!! Can I request for dad!Haz concept where he is telling his son/daughter how he met the reader. And Haz gettin all blushy while saying how he tried so hard to get reader's attention.
Flashbacks are in italics

"Daddy?" Diana, your 4 year old called out to Harrison.

"Yes cupcake?"

"Can you tell me how you and mommy met?" She asked your husband with doe eyes. Harrison could never in a million years forget the day he met you, he chuckled as the memories began to flood in

7 years ago.

It was a normal day at the bookstore for Harrison, dusting the books, his favourite section was romance; he would often read the books from there. Since you were new in the neighborhood, the first thing you wanted to do was check out this quaint bookstore which stole your heart, but little did you know that, that wasn't the only thing that stole your heart.

The bell signalling your arrival, you entered and went to the romance section, to find a book you've been wanting to read for quite a while. Walking in the isle you notice a blonde boy with black jeans and a red flannel reading the same book you wanted, he was so engrossed in the book he didn't notice your presence until you cleared your throat.

Looking up, his eyes met yours and he was absolutely blown way by your beauty, he even drooled a little. "Excuse me?" You break his trance by snapping your fingers in front of his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he started fixing himself, "hi I'm nice to meet you, Harrison." He said as he placed his hand in front and winced at his words.

"Hello, nice to meet you, I'm y/n." You chuckle, leaving Harrison a blushing mess. You explain how you wanted to read the book and he hands it over to you.

And ever since that day, every day you visited the book store he'd leave little notes in the books he knew you'd pick up. Until one day, it went the other way round and you left him a note saying that he should to you directly if you'd want to go out. And that's exactly what he did, after 2 weeks.

During the date Harrison was a nervous wreck, but you calmed him down, and let's just say that was the beginning of a wonderful and amazing for you and Mr. Nice to meet you.

"You were so silly daddy!" Diana giggled as Harrison finished telling the story.

"Yes, I was." Harrison laughed, remembering all the untold stories of him being a nervous mess for you, but that was for another day.

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