Photoshoot H.O ♡︎

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a/n: it's really short

"Take five!" The photographer said, as Harrison sighed and walked over to where you were seated. It's been months in the making of Joshua's Fall photoshoot and of course your boyfriend was modeling for him. Three hours later and he was already exhausted, "Hey." He said, pulling you into his warm chest, the scent of your lavender shampoo relaxing him, and you very well knew how clingy he got when he was tired and you loved every bit of it.

"Your cuteness is making everyone stare, stop it." You chuckled, your fingers running through his hair, nails scratching his scalp making him sigh in pleasure.

"Oh, really? You think I'm cute?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in arousal.

"Yes, but not just cute, you're extremely hot and the most caring and loving person I've ever met," All this flattery left Harrison in a blushing mess, "and I'm so proud of you." Harrison didn't care if anyone was there or watching, he immediately began to shower kisses all over your face as little giggles left your mouth.

"I love you so, so much!" He admitted between the kisses. "I love you too, Haz."

"If you two love birds are done, can we get back to the shoot?" Joshua interrupted.

"I'll see you soon!" He said giving a quick peck before jogging back in front of the camera, making everyone along with you swoon over him. 

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