Unpopular opinions T.H♡︎

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a/n: This was requested by an anon on my Tumblr.

Summary: So basically y/n, tom & jake are doing the interview & one is like "i dont find tom holland hot, i mean he looks nice & a good chat, but not 'omg i want to marry him'" & jake "accidentally" reveals y/n's crush on tom!

"Hello everyone! I'm y/n y/l/n" you greeted the camera and looked to your right signalling your castmates to introduce themselves

"Hi, I'm Tom Holland"

"And I'm Jake Gyllenhaal"

"We're the cast of Spiderman Far From Home and you're watching unpopular opinions!" The three of you yelled together.

"I'll go first!" Jake said enthusiastically, waving the flash card, "Tangled is better than frozen."

"Oo that's kinda hard, but I think I agree" tom replied. "Yeah, I agree too" you shrugged. "Ofcourse you agree it's one of your favourite movies!" Tom scoffed. "Ok my turn now!" He continued, "Tom Holland is hot af"

"True dat!" Jake hollered.

"Well, I agree a 100%" Tom scoffed, "What do you think Miss y/l/n?" He smirked at you.

"I don't find Tom Holland hot, I mean he looks nice & a good chat," you shrug, "but not, omg I want to marry him" you teased him.

"What?" He gasped, pretending to be hurt.

"That's odd," Jake leaned forward to get a better look at you, "I remember you telling me the other day that he is 'fine af' and you have the biggest crush on him" he laughed making your eyes go wide and leaving Tom shocked.

Jake immediately realised what he said and covered his mouth and you turned to the camera and said, "This was unpopular opinions and thank you for having us. Go watch Spiderman Far From Home in theatres July 2nd"

The crew was really mad that the interview had to be cut short, but you had your own problems now. You got up and rushed out, embarrassed to what just happened, Tom followed behind you.

"Y/n, wait!" He called out. You stop in your tracks refusing to turn around Tom came and stood in front of you. He saw your tear filled cheeks and brushed them off with his soft hands. "Hey, hey calm down now" he said as he hugged you, rubbing small circles on you back.

"This is all so embarrassing," you mumbled in his chest, " you probably hate me now" you sniffled.

"What are you taking about? I don't hate you, if anything I like you too" he reassured. "Wait really?" You asked, thinking you were dreaming and the alarm is about to go off. But it was all real. This was happening.

"So will you go out with me?" He chuckled.

"Yes, yes I would love to" you replied trying to hold in your excitement.

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