Happy Life Epilogue

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It took Harry almost 2 years to move on, but he tried his best. It took the entire Holland family to help him move on, but he did keep his promise; he kept telling everyone that he's moved on but in reality he cried himself to sleep every night. He'd even have dreams where you would be sitting next to him in a white dress saying, 'Harry stop hurting yourself.'

3 years later he fulfilled the latter part of your promise, finding someone. Mia was like no other girl even though Harry found similarities of you he kept it to himself. The more time he spent with the more he felt like he forgot you. But after 3 years he got married to Mia and had a little girl and named her after you. Even though after all those Harry felt that he wasn't showing that he hadn't moved on, Mia was quick to notice and was really mad at him.

So after his daughter was 3 years old she left the both of them with a simple note one morning saying that she knows that he clearly has not moved on and she cannot live with someone who is clearly still in love with with someone who isn't alive anymore. In that one letter Mia showed her true colours, and once again Harry had the same wave of depression come over him.

But then he looked at his little girl and there was a sudden shift in his mindset, he wiped away his tears and carried her in his arms.


"Yes, Y/n?" Harry asked the little girl in his arms.

"Where's mommy?"

"Um, she's gone on a long vacation"

"Oh, can we go to the park then?" she asked innocently. "Sure! why not? Come on let's get you dressed." When they reached the park little Y/n immediately ran to the swings which brought back some of the best memories for Harry. As the duo kept playing the little girl made her father stop to ask a question,

"Daddy, would you ever leave me?" This question left him shocked.

"Honey," he cupped her little cheeks in his big palms," I will never leave you!"

"Pinky promise?" she asked with doe eyes.

"Pinky promise!" he sighed as he wrapped his little finger around his daughters' tiny one.

The end.

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