Not again P.P ♡︎

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a/n: so, hear me out, Peter acting cold towards the reader after the snap because he's scared that he will lose her too (that makes sense, right?)

I decided to make it a bit soft

5 years. You waited 5 years for Peter to come back to you, and you were over the moon when he came back; back into your arms and you in his just the way it was supposed to be. And for Peter, with everything that had happened to him, you gave him a sense of relief.

Its been almost three months since the blip and Peter is still trying to get over the recent events, he has been suffering silently and he didn't want anyone to know. So one day when you were at school, you opened your locker only to find a letter from Peter. Before the snap he would send you letters telling how beautiful you look or how amazing you are; so you took this as a good sigh that he was healing and getting better.

Dear Y/n, this was a really hard decision for me to make but it was a right one. I'm really sorry to do this to you, I know that everyone is worried for me but I can't, I just can't move on. Everywhere I go I see his face and it makes it so much harder to, I don't want to lose you too, not again.

-Peter Parker.

After reading this letter you were absolutely devastated, you had to fix this, you didn't wait 5 years just so you could lose him again so you went to the one place you could find him.

"Peter?" You called out as you entered Tony's lab, when you heard silent sobs coming from behind a desk. "Peter?" You whisper, startling Peter.

"Y/n, What are you doing here?" And then his eyes darted to the letter clutched in your fist, as you crouched down to his level, "So you got my letter."

"Peter," You began by cupping his tear stained cheeks, "I know this is really hard for you, but pushing everyone away will not help you, reaching out to us will. I made you a promise that I'll be there for you always, that includes times like these, I know you just want to protect me and I understand, but I've waited for five years for you to come back and now I'm not gonna lat anything come between us okay?"

"Okay." He nodded, pulling you into an emotional kiss, like it was something he was longing for. 

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