Start of something new H.O

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Being a pianist was more of a side job while you struggled with your real one. It was more of a form of relaxation than a job, so you wanted to put your talents to good use and volunteered to play for weddings in a chapel nearby. It's been almost five years since you've been doing it, as much as you loved watching the bride walking down to your music, you also wished you could be there one day; but little did you know that one wedding would change everything.

Of course you arrived earlier, you had to. While you made sure you brought along the right notes the bustling of the guests were a background sound for you, but then suddenly a mope of dirty blond curls caught your eye and you couldn't avert your gaze from him. At first you shook it off thinking that he might be the groom but your cloud of doubts were cleared when the real groom came in and stood in front of the altar while the blond stood beside him.

As time went on you were signaled by someone from the doors that the bride was ready, playing the first chord it instantly echoed, some had their eyes on you while some on the bride. There ceremony began and your eyes landed back on the blond, you knew that you were staring at him and looked a bit weird but when you noticed that he was look back at you, you wanted to pull away but instead you looked right into his icy blue eyes and then turned your attention back to the piano in front of you.

After almost an hour and a half later, the ceremony concluded and the guests started moving out, while you stayed back, gathering your sheets and getting ready to head back to your lonely apartment when all of a sudden you were approached by the familiar blond who happened to be much taller now that he was standing next to you. "Hi." He said nervously.

"Hi." You replied giving a tight lipped smile.

"Uh, I just came over to tell you that uh, you played very well." He stuttered, his cheeks getting rosy. This was really unusual for you, it was very rare that anyone would actually come to compliment your talent and it was the first time a best man were to do it.

"Oh, thank you so much." You beamed at him, you were about to leave when he called you back.

"Okay, this might seem a bit weird but would you like to be my date for my wedding?" You cocked an eyebrow, "No, no I'm sorry I meant, would you like to be my date to my friends' wedding?" He laughed nervously hoping he didn't scare you, feeling a bit brave you agreed to, not like you had anything better to do anyways. "I hope your friend won't mind." You blush.

"Nonsense! I'm his best man, he can't say no," he reassured, "and plus I think he might be a bit busy to notice." He chuckled. "Harrison Osterfield." He said extending his hand forward. "Y/n l/n." You shook his sweaty palm. The drive to the hall you tried to make small talk with Harrison, usually you were the type of person who hated small talk but there was something about him that made you want to talk with him forever.

On arriving, he was a true gentleman, helping you out of the car and arms interlocked as you entered the hall. Seeing the decorations, you were in complete awe with the aesthetic of the room. He led you to a table which must have been just for him, he even helped you take a seat. Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad decision after all. A few minutes went by after Harrison excused himself, he came back with a blonde woman by his side. "Y/n, this is my mum Phil." You smiled and got up from your seat and was unexpectedly taken into a hug by her. "It's really nice to meet you Mrs. Osterfield."

"Likewise, when Hazzy said that his date was beautiful he wasn't lying." She chuckled as you and Harrison were a blushing mess. "Thank you." You replied. The rest of the evening went by meeting Harrison's family and his best friend who was getting married and lots of laughs along the way.

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