What's next? H.O

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Part 1

Haz! Boyfriend x fem! reader

You and Harrison had been living together ever since quarantine began. The first few months the two of you spent cooking and baking. But as the weeks went by, you pretty much cooked and baked everything.(with a bit of Sam's help ofc) But after 4 months you had the sudden urge to take up writing.

Never in your wildest dreams did you think that writing would be so hard, it's easier said than done. But nonetheless Harrison supported you. Two weeks later, you had written about 4 and a half chapters and you thought you were doing pretty well if it wasn't for Haz always asking for attention. Boy was he clingy! But you loved giving him the attention 😉

One day he suggested you take a break and just have a lazy day but as much as you wanted to do that you couldn't because you were in the zone and your creative juices were flowing you just couldn't stop now. So around noon Harrison was finding something to watch he saw the time and realised that none you had prepared lunch. He would have cooked but he prefers you to cook so he can wrap his strong arms around your waist, humming a song he had stuck in his head as he was intoxicated by you lavander scent.

Getting up from the couch he made his way to the study where he saw his girlfriend in front of her laptop in all her glory. He loved how the sun that came in and highlighted her face and how her y/h/c was tied up in a messy bun and some strands pushed behind her ear, how she looked so adorable when she was stuck at a sentence and then excited when she got the word she was looking for. He always wondered how did he get so lucky.

You realise his presence until he gently wrapped his arms around you, give a small peck on you head. " Hey" he said in a raspy voice, that very voice that made your heart beat fast, that very voice that said, 'Love me'.

"Hey" you replied, "give me 15 minutes I'm almost done with this chapter" you said not taking your eyes off the laptop screen

"You said that an hour ago" he mumbled into you hair. Oh no. Whiney voice. This meant, 'Love me right now' You didn't want to leave your work now, you had written quite a lot. Harrison had enough of I didn't like how a laptop got more attention than him.

"C'mon just take a lunch break, we can cook together, then watch a movie and then you can get back and I won't bother you" he said with puppy eyes. How could you say no to those eyes, those blue eyes. You were glad you didn't know how to swim because you would like to get drowned in those ocean blue eyes every time. "Ok, fine" you sighed.

Harrison jumped up and down like a 5 year old at a park. Before you could hit save he carried you with his strong arms and put you over his shoulders making his way to the kitchen. You tried squirming but he was so strong you couldn't get yourself out off his grip.

When you two entered the kitchen he set you on the kitchen island and standing between your legs he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You had to make up for all the time you spent typing away. You pull away leaving him breathless and got off and made your way to the fridge to get the ingredients for lunch you decided to make mac and cheese. Your speciality and Harrison's favourite.

As you were cooking Harrison stood behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. He closed his eyes and started to hum a song and swaying, it took you a few seconds to figure out what he was humming; Stuck with you by Ariana Grande your favourite song, because you loved being stuck with him.


After you finished lunch and movie you felt a bit tired so you decided to take a bath to relax yourself and then a quick power nap before you could start writing again.

While the water was filling in the tub you went to the study to save your work, you didn't have much time to do last time because of Harrison, but you couldn't stay mad at him. Who could ever? Except maybe Tom, because of all the pranks he pulled on him.

As soon as you locked the bathroom door something pulled Harrison to the study and to your work. He wanted to know so badly what you were writing about, what was it that kept his girl away from him. He opened the laptop and immediately the screen lit up with a photo of the two of you when you had gone ice skating in New York for the first time. He chuckled remembering everything like it was yesterday. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he saw a folder named 'Untitled project'. He clicked it open and saw that it was what you were working on. He started scrolling and before he could even finish reading the first line, he saw Tom standing at the door hands crossed over his chest.

"What? No, I'm not reading anything!" He said as he abruptly closed the laptop.

"I didn't even say anything you div" Tom stated. "Oh.. okay" he replied.

"You look like you've seen a ghost mate, are you alright?" Tom had concern in his voice.

"Yeah, no I'm fine, what are you doing here anyways?" He said trying to change to topic

"I was wondering if you wanted to hangout? Living with Harry and Tuwaine is great but I miss hanging out with you."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, I've been bored for days" Harrison replied.

Tom furrowed his eyebrows, " What do you mean bored for days? Is everything all right with you and y/n?"

"No, no everything is going great, amazing actually, but it's just that she's taken up writing and has less time for me" he said giving a half smile.

"Don't worry mate, you should be proud of her. You have no idea how hard it is to write. Trust me you can even ask Harry." Tom said reassuring his best friend. "Yeah I know" Harrison said, he was really proud of you.

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