Mistletoe H.O

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a/n: Based on Merry Christmas everyone by Shakin' Stevens

I'm gonna find that girl underneath the mistletoe
We'll kiss by candlelight

As the cold weather began to settle, the feeling of Christmas began to come quickly too, and soon enough the entire city, neighborhood and even your house was decorated wonderfully. Now it was Christmas eve and you and your husband, Harrison were prepping to host your first ever Christmas meal with his family, and you wanted everything to be perfect.

It was snowing outside, the Christmas carols playing in the background as you prepared your famous cherry pie. Harrison couldn't take his eyes off you and thought to himself how much of a blessing you were to him, keeping the last minute decorations away he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you and placing his chin on your shoulder.

"Hey." He whispered in your ears, swaying to the music; you wanted to melt into his touch but you knew if you would do that Harrison wouldn't let you go and the pie would be long forgotten.

"Haz, babe, I really want to but I got to finish this in time," you whined, "its the first time we're hosting, I don't want anything to wrong."

"You'll be fine, nothing's gonna happen, my family loves you more than me."

"You're right," You chuckled, "they do love me more than you."


"But I love you more." You tell him, giving him a quick peck.

"That's it?"

"It is for now." You smirked, turning around to face him.

"Don't tease me darling!"

"I can, and I will!" You said getting back to cutting the cherries.

"You better pay up later." He whispered seductively in your ears, sending shivers down your spine. The evening came around faster than you expected and soon enough you were sitting around the dining table with your husband's family, catching up with them. Sitting across your mother in law, you kept talking how much you miss your family and other stuff when Harrison subtly placed his warm palm on your thigh causing you to shift your gaze at him.

Meeting his needy eyes you expected this to be the last thing to happen right now, how can someone be horny in front of his own family? And because of him you were incredibly uncomfortable for the rest of the evening, Charlotte was quick to notice whatever was going on between the two and tried to get out as quickly as possible making the rest of the family wonder why was she in such a haste, if they only knew.

You were so disappointed by your husbands' antics that made them leave so early, but you were partly at fault for teasing him, this was bound to happen. After you cleared up the kitchen you went to your room which was now filled with candles, walking in you felt a presence behind you.

"Finally, my bank is arrived, time to pay up love," He said as his bare chest hugged your clothed back, making you chuckle, "and one more thing, look up." You looked up at a ceiling entirely covered with mistletoe.

"How long did it take for you to do this?"

"Not long," he shrugged and turning you around to face him, "now how about we make a little angel for the next holiday?" He chuckled placing his lips onto yours.  

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