Stolen sweets P.P ♡︎

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Requested: Hi!! Love your writing!! Could you do a Peter x Indian!reader where the reader makes some authentic indian sweets and all the Avengers love it sooo muchhh!!!

Warnings: fluff, a terrible description of how to make gulab jamuns, and a lot of cravings by the end of it.

After having a really shitty day at school the only thing that kept you mind calm was that you had a box of your favourite sweets that you had made from scratch, back at the compound. Dumping your bag on the couch you headed straight to the fridge, grinning, you opened the door and searched for your tupperware box but to your nightmare it was empty; and that pulled the last string of your patience. You slammed the door shut and pulled the fire alarm, within seconds all the avengers were suited and rushing to the kitchen. What? It was the only way they would come.

"What happened?" Tony panicked and asked, ready to attack.

"Someone ate all my gulab jamuns!" You said furiously, showing them the empty box in your hand. Everyone, literally everyone panicked because they knew how homesick you got and to calm yourself, you usually made your favourite sweets. "I have had a really shitty day and I want to know who on earth wanted to face my wrath today." You said, closing your eyes and pinching your nose bridge. Everyone was silent, when suddenly everyone heard chuckles coming their way, apparently it was Sam and Bucky who had the audacity of devouring your sweets.

Stopping in their tracks, they figured that were caught, you gave them a glare that was enough to kill them, "Teri maa ka-" (your mother's-) You were about to charge on them when Steve and Tony held you back.

"Hey, hey calm down y/n!" Steve said.

"That was the only one thing that kept me going through today!" You croaked as the tears started to stream, you ran to your room and shut the door.

"What's going on? Do we have a mission?" Peter asked as he walked in and saw everyone.

"More like a mission for you." Tony said,and began to explain what had happened. Peter gave Sam and Bucky a glare and went to your room, knocking before he entered.

"Go away!" You sniffled. You were sitting down on the floor. Peter came around and wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed into his chest and he ran his fingers through your hair.

"It's okay, I'm here." He kissed your forehead. "Hey, I got an idea, how about we make them again, and this time I could help you." He offered.

Though it seemed tiring, you smiled and hugged him tightly before heading to the kitchen. When you came there was only silence, taking out the ingredients you began making the dough. Peter stood behind you, his hands over yours and you mixed the dough, giggling along the way. You showed him step by step how form the small balls which he kept on failing until he finally got it right, and then frying it carefully. "Y/n you're too close to the oil, you should step back."

"Aww are you scared of a little oil?" You teased, "I'll be fine Pete, I've been doing this for sometime now." You assured him. After frying and letting them soak in sugar syrup for a while, the two of you began to dig in the delicious sweet. Taking one, you fed Peter, "You have to put the whole thing in your mouth!" You laughed as your boyfriend struggled to fit it in his mouth. "It's like having a pani puri."

"You and I eat that very differently." His muffled mouth made you laugh more as the sugar syrup dripped from the corners, taking a tissue you wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Thank you." You said wrapping your arms around his torso and pecking his sticky lips.

"I would do anything to eat the delicious food you make." He grinned, "But I love you more."

"Ooh, what do we have here?" Sam interjected, walking up to the bowl of gulab jamuns.

"No!" You threatened and pointed at him before he took another step, he raised his hands in defence and walked beak as Peter chuckled over how adorable and protective you were.  

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