Magic hugs H.O

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Warnings: fluff

You knew being a mother of a three year old and a job would take a toll on you even though you had a very loving and supportive husband you had your fair share of bad days, for example today. You woke with a pounding in your head, you sent a quick text to your boss saying you couldn't come in today.

Of course Harrison made sure you got to rest and decided to take care of Emma for the day. After helping you with your meds and tucking you in he went straight to your three year old's room. "Em, morning princess." he cooed as the little girl shuffled in her bed.

"Where's mumma?" She asked.

"Mumma's not feeling well today," he scooped her out of her bed, "so I'll be your mumma for the day." He beamed as she giggled, "How about we make some breakfast?" She nodded.

"Dada wait!"

"What's wrong?"

"We have to brush our teeth first silly." She giggled. "Right! Yes." Harrison said and made his way to the bathroom with Emma on his hip.

"There! Done?" He asked after he helped her brush her teeth and helped her down the small stool.

Treading down carefully, not wanting to disturb you they successfully made it to the kitchen, where Harrison managed to make breakfast without harming your child or burning down the kitchen. "Em, d'ya wanna watch a movie?" She nodded excitedly and ran to the living room, her little feet padding on the wood made Harrison laugh at how adorable she was, her energy being inherited from you. Harrison had his back to Emma as he was picking out the movie, "Which one do you want to see Em?" He turned around to the toddler only to see her missing. Harrison began to panic, and started to search for his daughter all over the house; as his last resort he went to your shared room and saw a sight that could melt any cold hearted person. Emma laid her tiny head on your chest and arms around your neck barely reaching around.

Harrison simply smiled and made his way to your little one, "Princess, you gotta let mumma rest." He cooed at her, trying to get her off you but her grip tightened and made your stir from your sleep, "No, I wanna stay with mumma." She pouted, making you chuckle at her cuteness.

"Haz, its okay." You assured him and wrapped your arms around her, placing a kiss on her temple, "She has magic hugs, I feel better already."

"See, dada I made mumma feel better." She beamed at your husband who was smiling at her.

"And I'm proud of you, my princess." He said laying next to you and cuddling the two of you, spending the entire day like that along with a few giggles courtesy of Emma. 

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