Snuggles P.P ♡︎

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It was one of the most hectic days for Peter, along with school the Stark internship was really taking a toll on him. You were sitting in your room, playing the piano and singing along when the window opened, Peter letting himself in. You were so focused you didn't notice the presence of your boyfriend, who was absolutely mesmerized by your voice and talent. Hitting the last note, you were startled when you heard someone applaud you from behind.

"Peter you scared me!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I- its just that you're so talented!"

"It's nothing Pete, what are you doing here?" You asked, as Peter began to get comfortable on your bed. "I came for cuddles." He said with puppy dog eyes and making grabby hands like a little kid. Chuckling you made your way towards him, getting under the sheets he pulled you in, his arms wrapping around your waist and head placed on your chest.

"Bad day bub?" You asked, to which he simply hummed.

"Can you sing for me?"

"Peter, my voice isn't that great."

"But I want to hear you sing! Your voice really calms me." He said snuggling into you. Chuckling, you began to answer his request,"Lavender's green, dilly, dilly, lavender's blue. If you love me, dilly, dilly, I will love you" You sang as a small smile crept on Peter's face. You kept on singing until you heard soft snores leave your boyfriend's mouth, letting out a little giggle you tried to get up from your position to switch off the lights which were across the room, when Peter began to stir from his slumber, "Where are you going?" He asked, tightening his grip around you.

"Go back to sleep bub, I just need to switch off the lights."

"Don't get up- I'll do it." He said, pointing his web-shooter at the switch and letting out a ball of web as the room got dark. You simply laughed at his antics, mindlessly roaming your finger through his brown curls. 

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