More H.O

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Warnings: just domestic fluff!

Day off with your boyfriend were great, whether you spent them all snuggled up in bed or doing chores; being with each other made it great. And today was the day you busied yourselves with chores, Harrison was doing the dishes while you made your way to do the laundry. As you walked past him you noticed how cute he looked in his black tee, grey sweatpants and an apron. Talking a few steps back you got on your tip toes and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek, "I'll be in the laundry room." You informed him and saw the apple of his cheeks turning crimson.

"H-hey wait!" He called after you, "What was that for?"

"What? Can't kiss my boyfriend now?" You chuckled, he washed his soapy hands off and walked to you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist. "You can, but just one?" He asked and gave an adorable little pout.

You smiled and shook your head at his words, once again raising yourself and planting a kiss on the other cheek, "Happy?"

"No, you missed a spot." He whined, you laughed and decided to tease him a bit; kissing on his nose now, trying to stifle a laugh. "Y/n!!!" He whined some more.

"Okay, okay." You placed your arms on his shoulder to lower him and instead of kissing him on his lips like he was anticipating you swerved and kissed him on his forehead and burst into fits of laughter when he slumped his shoulders, "Y/n." He said lowly, more like warned, "Please give me what I want."

"What if I don't?" You tested the waters to see what his might do, but his actions didn't surprise at all as he lifted you and placed you on the kitchen counter, standing between your legs. "I will get it my self!" And the next thing you knew he had cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a tender kiss. "I love you." He whispered against your lips as he pulled away.

"And I love it when you finish the dishes." You giggled, a small smile creeping on his face too, "I love you too." You said, resting your forehead against his.

"Once I'm done, you are in for it." He warned.

"Can't wait." You whispered in his ear as he groaned already growing impatient.

a/n: feedback is appreciated! 🥰

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