Forbidden love P.P

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a/n: Aged-up characters, a big thanks to @starlight_stark for beta reading and helping me with this fic, ilysm😘 also, inspired by b99 😌

Whenever Peter wasn't being spider-man he was working with S.H.I.E.L.D to solve armature cases. Although Tony was against it at first he eventually came around but was always on edge to have his actual daughter and protegè risking their lives; but it was all part of the job. Working together sparked a friendship between the two of you, until lately your feelings for Peter grew stronger, wanting something more than being just friends and co-workers.

Tonight you and Peter were assigned a case where the two of you had to go undercover. After the mission when you returned back to the compound there was this awkwardness between the two of you that neither of you wanted to talk about. Right now all you wanted to do was go to your room and have some ice cream and cry, but you were pulled out of your thoughts when your dad called out to you, "How was the mission kiddos?"

"Such a normal time!" You yelled, making everyone give you a questioning look.

"Why are you yelling?" Nat asked, "Did something?"

"No!" You and Peter chimed in together, "I'm just gonna go to my room." You gave a tight lipped smile and rushed off, Peter scrambling to his. Everyone in the room thought that whatever just happened was weird and Tony wanted to get into the depth of it. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. pull up the security footage of the restaurant Y/n and Peter just went to." He commanded the A.I.

"Tony what are you doing?" Steve asked.

"Something happened there and I wanna know what!" He said as the footage began.

"You can't-"

"Shh I'm watching something!" He cut Steve off by shushing him. The footage showed you and Peter entering the restaurant, arms linked which Tony did not like and the next thing he knew his daughter was all over Peter, kissing his cheek and all. The rest of the team tried their best not to laugh at Tony's expressions, knowing how protective he was over you and sure that Peter would be toast by morning. But he still kept on watching the footage, he saw the two of you follow the supplier to the back and the next thing he knew his eyes were almost popping off his skull and balling his fist in anger, he saw the two of you kissing because you almost got caught. Meanwhile everyone else was laughing which annoyed Tony even more. "Why are you laughing?" He asked angrily.

"Come on Tony, they're not kids anymore." Steve chuckled.

"She is my kid! You know what? I'm gonna go talk to her, I'm too young to be a grandpa." He said storming off. Meanwhile you were in your room pacing back and forth thinking about the events of the past hours, you kept thinking if the kiss meant anything or what if it didn't mean anything; could this have ruined their friendship? Just then a knock startled you out of your thoughts, swinging the door open you met the chocolate eyes of the boy you were just worrying about, "Hey." He said, giving a tight lipped lipped smile. "Come in." You told him.

"I uh, actually wanted to ask you something." He stuttered, fidgeting with his fingers nervously.

"Yeah sure, whatever you want, partner." You said nervously and cringing moments later.

"Um, about that kiss, I just wanted to ask you if it meant anything to you? I just don't want it to be the reason it ruins our friendship- that is if it didn't mean anything because I-"

"I like you." You blurted out.

"You do?"

"So much."

"I like you too." He confessed and immediately sprang to engulf you in a hug, he pulled away and cupped your cheek pulling you in for a tender kiss which you smiled into. And that was the last thing Tony saw before he fainted due to shock. Loud bang made you two sprung apart and after seeing your Dad unconscious at the door you knew you had a lot of explaining to do.

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