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A little head canon for Harry :)

- Ok so, Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine were out while you and Harry were alone at home

- Harry was busy playing FIFA with Paddy while you were in your room reading

- The book you were reading got a bit boring so, now you were on your way to annoy you boyfriend

- "You've got to switch!" he yelled at Paddy through the head set

- You sat next to him on the couch and tried to get his attention, by poking him

- He still didn't budge

- "Harry, Harry, Harry?" you kept on nudging him

- "Paddy hold on a minute, what do you want?"

- "I wanna play too!"

- "Love, you don't know how to play." he laughed, "Can you teach me please?" you whined showing your puppy dog eyes

- "Fine!"

- You thought he was going to get you another controller but what he did surprised you

- He pulled you by your waist and placed you in his lap, wrapping his arms around you and his chin on your shoulder

- He's so cheeky

- Resuming the game he instructed Paddy to take it easy on you as you were still learning

- Lets just say he's the best teacher

- He was never like this with his brothers

- So calm and collected

- Stealing small kisses on your cheek

- Always getting butterflies in his stomach every time you giggled

- By half time Paddy logged out of the game because someone decided to get a boner

-That escalated quickly

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