Half a note P.P ♡︎

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"Look how cute this is!" You exclaimed and pulled Peter by his hand in yet another shop. It was a Saturday, and since you had a lot of free time, Peter decided to take to the mall for a mini date. Right now you were admiring a dolphin plush doll while Peter was admiring how your eyes lit up at all the soft toys in front of you. "Aww." You cooed as you lifted up a small dinosaur one making Peter chuckle at your antics.

"Your cuteness is making everyone stare, stop it." Peter smiled at you.

"I can't help it they're so adorable!"

"Which one do you want, the dino one or the penguin one?" He grinned, making your eyes light up.

"Wait really?" He nodded, "Can we get both?" You pouted.

"Of course we can! Anything for you!"

"Thank you!" You squealed and wrapped him in a tight hug. After paying, you and your boyfriend walked around the mall, hands intertwined and swinging as you clutched the toys in the other; when suddenly your eyes landed on an old piano that was lying in the corner, as did Peter's. Now he new you could sing but it was very rare that you were public about your talent, but Peter wanted to be the reason that changed. "Why, don't you give it a go?" He encouraged.

"No." You blushed.

"But I want to hear you sing," he pleaded, "please?" How could you say no to those doe eyes? So you walked over and sat on the little stool, noticing that it was quite old but in a good condition, thinking of a song you turned to Peter when you thought of one. The minute you started to play the notes he sensed the familiarity of the tune, a wide smile plastering over his face. It was 'I will always love you' by Whitney Huston, yours and Peter's song.

Peter stared at you lovingly as you hit every note perfectly, and not missing a single beat. You were so lost in the music that you were startled when a thunder of applause came your way at the end of the song. Apparently your sweet voice and enticed a crowd and were absolutely blown away. You stood up and gave a little bow the walked over to your boyfriend who was clutching the soft toys, looking adorable as ever. "You were amazing!" He beamed, pecking your lips.

"Thank you Pete," You gave a loop-sided grin and linking your arm around Peter's strong one as you went on to enjoy the rest of your day.  

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