Superhero P.P ♡︎

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Requested: Can you write something with the reader getting drunk at a frat party and boys trying to take advantage of that, but when Peter sees what's happening, even tho he doesn't know you, he pretends he does so that you can get out of there

Warnings: inappropriate touching, fluff

It was the alcohol in you that made you forget about everything as you swayed your hips to the pounding music. It was yet another saturday at another frat party which you were dragged to by your friends and ditched immediately after. You were on the dance floor eyes closed, surrounded by other drunk and sweaty people when you felt a pair of hands your waist, not paying much attention to it you kept on dancing until you felt another pair of hands travelling up your thighs and pulling your dress up.

Your eyes shot open and saw one of the frat boys in front of you with a smug smile on your face, as you took a step behind trying to get out of the situation when your back crashed into a strong chest, looking back you saw another guy with a similar smile plastered on his face. You were scared and didn't know what to do as the two guys had cornered you, when you heard the faint calling of your name. "Y/n! There you are!" A boy with brown hair and chocolate like eyes stepped in and grabbed your hand pulling you away from the two boys, then turned and whispered to you, "I'm here to help you, just go along with it."

"MJ has been looking for you, come on let's go." He said loudly so that the two pricks would leave you alone. Hand clutched in his, he took you to a much quieter place, "Hey you okay?" His eyes softened.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." You slurred as you ran your fingers through your hair, "Thanks."

"You're welcome, I was just watching you and I saw those guys were being inappropriate so I thought I'd help you," he smiled, "n-not that I was stalking you on anything." He stuttered making you chuckle.

"Hey, I know we just met but would help me get back home? It's just that my friends ditched me..." You trailed off.

"Yeah, of course!" He said excitedly.

The journey to you apartment was rather quite, only the radio filling up the awkward silence. "Thanks uh.." you trailed off again as he stopped in front of your building


"Thank you so much Peter." You smiled and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, leaving him in a blushing mess.

The next day you were walking through the crowded halls when your eyes caught a familiar mope of brown curls, "Hey." You said as you walked up to him "Thanks again for yesterday."

"Uh, yeah your welcome," he stuttered. That's when a freshman stumbled and dropped all her books, Peter was quick to help her gather her things flashing his million dollar smile.

"What are you, some kind of superhero?" You asked jokingly.

"What? Me?" His voice had a higher pitch as his face had fear written all over his face.

"Calm down, I was just complimenting you for helping her, it's not like your spiderman or something." You laughed and rolled your eyes at him.

"If you only knew." He mumbled under his breath.


"Can I walk you to class?" He asked, little did you know you'd be dating the spiderman several months later.  

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