Trapped in love H.O ♡︎

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You had always known that Harrison's love language was touch and there was no denying that. Every moment he found his hands would be on you in some way or the other, a hand on the small of you back, hands intertwined, anything! And the best part of having a lazy day with him were the endless cuddles and snuggles, occasionally twirling your hair with his fingers.

It was your third movie of the day and you were in a desperate need to munch on something, but your boyfriend would say otherwise. "Noo! Don't leave me!" He whined and tightened his grip around your waist, causing you to giggle at his child-like antics. "Babe, its just a matter of a few minutes!"


"Harrison!" You laughed as he placed the weight of his upper body on your lap. "Fine, then why don't you go and get me something?"

"What part of 'I don't want to leave you' did you not understand woman?" He scrunched his brows and gave you puppy dog eyes, you roaming your fingers through his messy curls. "And plus, I'm not moving, your lap is comfortable." He admitted, snuggling into your stomach.

"Harrison?" You asked after a couple minutes, he simply hummed. "Let me go!"

"Tough luck, love!" He grinned. 

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