Such a tease T.H ♡︎

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Among most things you never expected to be turned on seeing the love of your life with children. Tom was a very gentle person when it came to children, you had seen how he was with Charlie, his godson. But there was something different about today, seeing him get along with your nephew and nieces really gave you more reasons to have a baby fever.

It was just a small family lunch at your house, ever since you got married you have been going back and forth at your families' place. "Hey." Tom whispered, bringing you back to reality and placing a quick peck on your cheeks, "What were you thinking about?" He asked, arms snaking around your waist.

"Nothing." You simply shook your head.

"Whatever it is you can tell me love." He urged.

"I don't know," you sighed, "just seeing you with my nieces and nephews made me think how great of a father you'd be."

"Really?" You blushed and nodded in confirmation, "Let's do it then."


"Let's have a baby." He smirked.

"You think we're ready?" You asked.

"Absolutely! I think you'd be a great mother." He beamed, "So when should we start trying?"

"I mean, we could start now." You shrugged but secretly excited.

"Now? I wouldn't mind but do you think you could be quiet?" He asked stifling a laugh as you wacked him slightly across his chest. "That was one time Tom!"

"Actually two, remember at the bar that one time?" He finally let out his laugh as you blushed and buried your tinted cheeks in the crook of his neck.

"Do you want kids or no mister?" You joked.

"I do ma'am, but let's wait till we get home," He growled in your ear, "don't want to scar your family for the rest of their life." You gave him a look, for teasing you and then leaving you hanging, which was proud of. 

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