Scared P.P

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a/n: Little halloween blurb.

Ever since you found out Peter's secret he's always made you hang out at the compound with the rest of the avengers, which of course you didn't mind. So here you were celebrating halloween at the compound, with one small change, it was only you and Peter at the compound. Alone. The rest of the avengers were either at parties or patrolling.

You and Peter were too old for trick or treating, so you both decided to have a night in a watch some movies. Peter was to shy to ask you but you knew him very well on how much he loves self care, so you brought him some face masks.

Now here you were in Peter's room in his sweatpants and a hoodie watching some scary movie, when you started feeling a bit hungry.

"I'll get you some snacks." he said giving a soft smile. As he went in the kitchen to get something from the cabinets he heard a shriek and then thud. He whipped his head to the direction of the sound only to see an unconscious Steve, his eyes widened with fear; immediately he dropped the packets of doritos and ran to his room. "We have a problem!" He barged into the room, breathless.

A few phone calls and hours later, Steve was in the med bay surrounded by everyone. His eyes flutter open and try to adjust to the blinding light. "Jesus? Am I in heaven?" He said looking at Bucky, making everyone giggle.

"No, Steve," Bruce laughed, "you just have a mild concussion. do you remember anything that happened before you fainted?"

"Yeah," he winced, trying to get up, "I saw a small ghost in the kitchen, I came to grab something from there and I saw it's face covered in black paint." Everyone looked at each other confused, and then Bruce's eyes landed on Peter who was trying to hide himself behind while you were giggling. "Yeah, I think I found our small ghost." He pointed at Peter which made everyone burst into fits of laughter.

Let's just say he decided to put face masks at your place after that.

a/n: My writing is so terrible I feel I should stop

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