Wedding night shenanigans H.O

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Warnings: suggestive themes

It was the most magical night of your life, you were beyond happy to being a new chapter of your life with the love of your life, Harrison. After the ceremony and spectacular reception you found your self in his arms as he carried you bridal style to your honeymoon suite of the hotel, "Welcome, Mrs. Osterfield." Harrison said proudly as you entered the beautifully decorated room.

"I'm still getting used to being called that." You blushed and pecked his lips.

"Well its yours now."

"I love you."

"I love you more." He leaned in and pecked your lips.

"Now put me down I need to get this stupid dress off." You joked.

"My wife, ladies and gentlemen." He chuckled and carefully placed you down, but before you could take another step your feet grew weak and almost stumbled, luckily Harrison caught you.

"You okay?"

"No, my feet hurt."

"Okay, come here." He said and led you to the couch, making you comfortable. He took of his coat and sat on the coffee table opposite you, taking off your shoes and giving you a foot rub. Throwing your head back, a loud moan of relief escaped your lips as his long slender fingers gently dug into your foot. "Oh yeah, that's the spot!" You groaned.

"You're being dramatic." Harrison laughed.

"Hey, you weren't the one dancing in heels." You gave him a pointed look. After a relaxing foot massage the two of you changed into more comfortable clothes and went straight to bed.

The next you and Harrison went down to the hotel buffet for breakfast where you saw Tom and his brothers already waiting for you. "Hey guys." Harrison greeted them as they whipped their head in your direction, all of them with a teasing smirk on their faces making you and Harrison exchange looks at their weird behaviour.

"So how was last night?" Tom wiggled his eyebrows at the two of you.

"It was okay." Harrison shrugged.

"Really?" Harry teased as you hummed.

"Then what was 'oh yeah, that's the spot' " Tom imitated your moans and everyone burst out laughing, you stopped chewing and turned to Harrison who was trying to stifle a laugh.

"It's not what you guys think." You tried to correct him, but they kept on teasing you by making kissing sounds, turning a few heads at your table as you buried your red face in your husbands side. You were now at the hotel desk checking out when Tom kept suggesting baby names, slipping his own in between; as you were leaving he even told Phil, your mother-in-law, that she was going to be a grandma before running away and laughing, leaving her absolutely baffled. 

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