Protect you H.O ♡︎

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Requested: Harrison where he take care of the reader while watching a horror movie and he also confesses his feelings for the reader

“Y/n it’s not that bad!” Harrison chuckled as you tucked your face into his chest and shielding yourself.

It was a Friday night and you were at your best friends place watching a horror movie, you kept telling him that you were brave enough to see a scary movie but all went down hill after the first 15 minutes.

No one knew you like Harrison, he knew you couldn’t make it, he loved the position you were in right now. Knees pulled up to your chest and snuggled into him, and his arms wrapped around you.

“Promise me you won’t leave me alone.” You whimpered.

“I promise,” he gave a soft smile, looking down at you and taking in all your features, “I love you too much to leave you.” He mumbled to himself, or so he thought but you heard everything.

“Y-you love me?” You looked at him and saw him freeze.


“You said you love me too much to leave me, do you really love me?” There was no getting out of this, the blond thought, “I do,” he confirmed,“ I really do love you.”

“Be glad you’re cute or else I wouldn’t forgive you for the movie,” without wasting any time you pulled him in a chaste kiss, “and I love you too.” He chuckled, pulling if not more closer to him.

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