Comfort H.O ♡︎

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a/n: Heyy requesting for blurb night Harrison Osterfield with a shy/ introverted reader and get tries to make her comfortable

They say opposites react right? And that's exactly how you would describe yours and Harrison's relationship. Your life included of books and being anti-social, whereas Harrison's was scripts and parties every night. At the beginning of the relationship Harrison had no idea how uncomfortable you were at every party you were dragged to by him, but that all changed one night.

As you entered the house of one of his friend, he immediately left you thinking you'd be fine, whereas you were having social anxiety by the amount of people there. You really loved Harrison but you just wished he would make you feel comfortable. So as usual you found a quite corner, while he danced away with his friends. Twenty minutes go by when he come up to you, "Come on, let's go home." You furrowed your eyebrows at his statement. "Oh.. okay."

On the drive back home his silence made you worry if it was your fault. Entering the house you blurt out,"I'm really sorry."

"For what?"

"For not socializing at your parties." You admit as you hung your head low. Harrison walked up to you and held your face in his hand your guilt ridden eyes met his blue piercing ones. "Hey, you don't need to apologize, I should, I've been a complete jerk and shouldn't have made you feel uncomfortable. Now how about we change and you read to me?"

"You want me to read to you?"

"Yes," he admitted,"I find it very comforting." He said as you reciprocated a smile.

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