A Perfect cliché

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a/n: There is a scene from Never have I ever (somewhat) marvelfangirl2 I hope you like this!

Pairings: Peter Parkerx Indian!reader

You and your family had moved to Queens, New York, from India; due to your dad's promotion in Stark Industries. Your family couldn't have been happier. One day when your dad had taken you to his office you came across a boy, somewhat your age who was interning there. Soon enough you saw him again wandering around the hallways of your new school and then classes.

Eventually, these stolen glances turned into a budding friendship for the two of you. You've always loved Peter as a friend, until one day you noticed him become buff, which was a game changer for you. Every time you were around him you could feel time stop, everytime he laughed or looked right in your eyes you felt as if violins were playing in the background.

One day your school decided to hold their annual traditional day, since there was a lot of diversity. Your mother helped you with wearing a sari which was once worn by her.

"You know this is the same sari I wore when I met your father." you mother smiled as look at you one last time. On reaching school you saw everyone in their different and vibrant attire. Even Peter managed to pull off one of his uncle's suits, which was a bit baggy for him; but you found it adorable. The whole day went on giving and receiving compliments, and you desperately wanted one from Peter but you just couldn't get some one on one time with him.

The day ended quickly, but you were one of the last ones to leave school. Closing your locker you made your way to the exit when you bumped into Peter. Finally.

"Oh, hey didn't see you there!" Peter exclaimed. "Hey Peter." you say trying to hide the blush creeping on your cheeks. Taking a look at our entire outfit he was in absolute awe.

"Wo- wow! You look stunning!"

"Thanks Peter," You said, "So what are you doing here this late?"

"Oh I just had a few things to clear up with Mr. Harrington," he shrugged, "Well I'll see you tomorrow." He said as tried to walk past you, and brushing your shoulders. If only you could scream of excitement now.

Suddenly you felt a tug on your sari, turning behind to investigate what it got caught into you were met with Peter's brown orbs. Looking down you noticed your sari's pallu ( it's the part of the sari that goes over your shoulder) caught in his watch. Walking towards each other you let out a little laugh, trying to get the little threads carefully out of his watch leading to more giggling. While you were standing so close to him you could see his light freckles, how your fingers brushed against each other's and how his tongue was jutted out a little as he concentrated.

"There!" he said freeing the fabric giving you a short smile. "Thank you Peter."

"Hey y/n?"


"Tum bhaut acchi lag rahi ho." (you look really nice) he said in his crisp Queen's accent, leaving your jaw dropped on the floor.

"What did you say?" You asked in shock, you had absolute no idea what the hell was going on, was this real?

"I said you look really nice, why did I say it wrong?"

"No, no it was right," you reassured him, "when did you start learning hindi?"

"Umm since the day I met you." he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Really? Why?"

"Well... because I like you." he muttered. It took some time for you to comprehend what was happening but you replied by pecking his cheek making him a blushing mess.

"Meet me at Delmar's tomorrow at 6." you whispered in his ears and making your way to the exit, but giving a last look to him.

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