Happy Life part 2

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a/n: Flashbacks are in italics

Now it was the third day and your boyfriend was still not heard of. But it was around 8 am, your family had gone home for the night. With your eyes slightly open, you saw a familiar person enter the room with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand.


He kept the bouquet on the bed side table, sat next to your sleeping figure and gently held your hand. "Y/n," he whispered, "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier." Harry had initially planned on just keeping the flowers and leaving, but he saw you he couldn't resist. "I didn't know if you wanted to see me," he croaked, "after everything that has happened, its just not fair."

As you pretended to sleep you bit your cheek to keep yourself from smiling. You were beyond ecstatic that he finally came. "But I had to come because I remembered the promise I made to you."

15 years ago

"Come on, hurry up!" 5 year old Harry exclaimed as he tugged you hand.

"Where are we going Hawy" you asked. Ever since you introduced yourselves to each other, you've never left each others side. Right now he was dragging you across the school playground.

"Here!" He said pointing at an empty swing.

"Hawy wait! This is Gene the bully's swing, we can't use it!" You replied anxiously.

"Don't worry, I traded my grape juice box so that you can use it"

"But you love your grape juice box!" You whined.

"Yeah, but I know how much you love playing on the swing"

"Thank you so much Hawy!" You said engulfing him in a tight hug. You sat down on the swing as Harry pushed. Secretly Harry just wanted to hear your little laughs and giggles, which were music to his ears. The bell rang signalling that recess was over. While you and Harry made your way to the classroom, you turned to the curly haired boy to ask him a question,

"Hey, if you had one day left on earth what would you do?"

"I would spend my entire day with you" he said nonchalantly. "Really? Why?"

"Because you're my best friend" he admitted proudly.

"Do you promise?"

"Pinky promise!" he exclaimed, curling his little finger around yours.

You remembered that day as if it was yesterday. Trying to open your eyes slightly to see him, you could see his blood shot eyes and the bags underneath them; he had never looked so miserable.

"Maybe this was a mistake, I-I shouldn't have come." He mumbled. He got up from his spot almost ready to bolt out of there, when he felt something tug his hand.

"Don't leave without saying goodbye." You whisper. Harry slowly turned around only to see his girlfriend giving him a small smile. "Y/n," he sobbed, as he knelt beside you, "I am so, so sorry!"

"Harry its okay, it's not your fault. I don't blame you" Harry's blood shot eyes met your forgiving ones. The whole day Harry didn't leave your side or your hand. Even your family didn't bother the two of you, seeing how much you needed this.

As much as you loved your family, this is all you wanted. The never ending love and support of this boy right here. Your best friend, your boyfriend, your Life, your Happiness.

It was around sundown when you started feeling more weak, you knew it was time. But you had one more thing to tell him, "Harry?" you whisper.

"Wha- what is it?"

"I want you to promise me something"

"Of course, anything for you love." he said.

"After I go-"

"Y/n," he interrupted.

"Let me finish, after I go, I want you to promise me that you will move on," a single tear rolled down his cheek. You knew it would be impossible for him,"please don't spend your days thinking about me. I want you to promise me that you will find a girl and love her and make her happy like you did to me." Harry couldn't believe his ears, how could he make a promise he might not be able to keep?

"For me?" you begged, "Please" you coughed, Harry bought himself closer to you.

"Pinky promise" he sniffled as once again as he wrapped his little finger around you weak one.

"I love you" you admitted with all the strength left in you.

"I love you too." It was as if you were fighting to hear those for one last time.

Harry's eyes were closed he didn't know that yours were too and then he finally he heard something he didn't prepare himself for. The whole room was filled with sound with your flat line. Harry got up and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before going out and delivering the news to your family.


8 years later


"Yes, y/n?" Harry asked the little girl in his arms.

Part 3/ epilogue coming soon :)

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