Misunderstanding H.O ♡︎

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a/n: Requested on my tumblr, Heyyy could I get one for Harrison where she lives with the boys but they like each other and somehow he think he overhears that she's going on a date and gets upset idk something cute and fluffy

Ever since you were kids, you and Harrison have been attached to the hip, always (along with Tom) being there for each other even in the highs and lows of life. So much that even both your parents had placed a bet that you two would end up together, which just delayed the confession of your feelings to each other.

After you graduated from uni Harrison asked you to move in with him and the boys because of too much testosterone under one roof (he actually wanted to spend more time with you) And of course of agreed. Hanging around this house always brought so much laughs, the prank wars, the failed cooking incidents, you loved every bit of it. Except one day when you had to be the designated driver and take care of four hammered guys at 2 am, and when your best friend let the alcohol take control of his mind. Everyone else managed to get in the house except for Harrison, so you tried to drag him from the car to his room.

"Hey, y/n," he slurred, "do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I don't." you said as you struggled to carry him. "But why? You're sooo pretty!" he whined.

"Thanks Haz." you answered, trying to hide the blush which crept onto your cheeks.

"You know what?!" He gasped, "We should date!"

"I don't think that's a good idea Haz." you chuckled as you placed him on his bed. "Y/n?"

"Yes Haz?"

"I love you" And with that he went to sleep, you knew it was too good to be true and that it was the alcohol speaking, so decided to brush it off.


Luckily it was the weekend so the boys slept throughout the day. It was only until 4pm when everyone except Harrison was in the living room having a cup of tea, when you decided to discuss the matter at hand.

"Harrison said he loves me," you blurted out, making the three lads almost choke on their beverage, of course they knew about Harrison's undying love for you, "he told me last night." You said as you stared at your cup. "I know he tell you guys everything, so does he?" you continued hoping it would be true.

"Yeah, he does," Tom confirmed making your face light up, "do you?" You simply nodded as you bit your cheek, trying to hide your smile. This was when Harrison came down, still hungover, but hid behind the wall trying to listen to your conversation.

"You should ask him out," Harry said, taking a sip of his milky tea, "because I damn well know he's not going to."

"He's right." Tuwaine quipped.

"Y/n listen to us, you should have seen the way was eyeing you at the pub last night, you should go for it!" Tom suggested. But Harrison, that genius div, thought that the boys were suggesting you to ask out a guy you had met at the bar last night, and now he was beyond furious with his mates.

"How could you!" He yelled from behind, scaring the shit out of all of you.

"Harrison what's wron-"

"You!" He began, pointing at you,"I don't even want to talk to you!" And with that he stomped up to his room. You were so confused as to why he was so mad, so you went up to his room to talk to him.

Meanwhile Tom ran out in the backyard, looked up the the sky and came back in. "What's wrong with you?" Harry asked his brother. "I was just checking if it was the end of the world, because this was the first time he's mad at her." Tom replied, earning an eye roll from Harry and Tuwaine.

At the same time you were in front of your best friends room asking him to let you in. "Go away!"

"Harrison please I need to talk to you."

"Why don't you go and talk to that guy from the bar!" He yelled from behind the door.

"What gu- oh" You placed your hand on the cool metal and twisted the knob letting yourself in. He always forgot to lock the door. "What, how did you? Damn you for knowing me so well!" Harrison shouted. Taking a seat beside him you tried to look at his pouting face which he refused to give into.

"Listen, I was not going to ask out Kieth from the bar last night, it was someone else." You smiled at him.

"Kieth?" He said raising an eyebrow, you could see the fumes of jealousy coming out of him.

"Oh my gosh Harrison he's gay!" you said exasperated. "He was just complimenting my outfit."

"Oh.." He said with guilt, "then who's the other guy?"


Harrison looked at you completely dumbfounded, which made you giggle of how adorable he looked. "Me?"

"Yes you! Last night hammered you kind of confessed your feelings for me."

"What did I say?" He asked not meeting your eyes.

"That you love me and we should date."

Harrison groaned as he rubbed his face with his palms.

"So will you go out with me?" You asked, taking your chances.

He instantly engulfed you in a bear hug, and whispered into your hair, "Yes!"

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