I'll miss you H.O ♡︎

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The blaring of the alarm woke you up, rolling over to switch it off, your boyfriend pulled you back into his chest, "No! Five minutes more!" He whined.

"Haz, babe I have to, it's the first day of my job." You chuckled. Sighing he began shower you with kisses all over your face. "Great way to start the day eh?" You smiled.

"I know I've kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten please?" He asked, as you immediately launched your lips on his. The minute you pulled away he began groaning, quickly jumping in the shower you began getting ready for the day. Twenty minutes later you came out and saw Harrison still sleeping, little snores escaped his mouth, you quickly clicked a picture just because he looked adorable.

You entered the kitchen to make yourself and Harrison a cup of tea, when Harrison wrapped his arms around you. It didn't catch you off guard that he was being clingy, he just loved you too much to ever leave your side. Often calling you on set or anywhere he ever went. Basically, the morning was just the tip of the iceberg of Harrison's affection for you. And you loved every single minute of it.

After getting dressed in your pant suit and leaving Harrison extremely astonished and proud of how far you've come. "Okay, so I'll see you seven, bye!" You told him, pecking his cheek to which Harrison pulled you back in his arms engulfing you in a bear hug, "You can't really leave without letting me hug you first!" He whispered in your hair. Laughing you reassure him like a kid that you'd be back home soon. Gosh you loved that man! 

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