Wildest Dreams H.O

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a/n: Re-reading the selection series+ listening to Taylor Swift= my crappy writing 🥰

Warnings: fluff, typos?


The doors to the ballroom opened and you entered the room full of people, you felt everyone's eyes on you but you only cared for a set of ocean blues. Walking around in your big gown, you finally locked eyes with him, a small grin and blush coming on your face as his was filled with awe and complete adoration. He came closer and took you hand, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles, "My lady." He mused, eyes softening.

"Your highness." You curtsied.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, you nodded.

His hands placed securely on your waist was your one hand on his shoulder while the other held your massive gown.

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!"

A loud voice called you out and snapped you out of your daydream. "I swear Y/n you're going to get yourself kicked out one day because of your daydreaming." The chief of staff said as he shook his head in disapproval, "Now stop dancing with the mop and get back to work!" He shook his head and left. You felt so embarrassed and hopeless, why on earth would the prince of England would want to dance with you.

Anyone who had met the prince would be lying to themselves if they didn't think that he wasn't handsome, he was absolutely a treat to look at, charming and gentle at the same time. It was hard not to fall for him, but of course you kept your love for him hidden like a secret. But little did you know that while you were dancing away with a mop pretending that was him, he was roaming around the halls. He stopped in his tracks as he saw you dancing through the creak of the door letting out a little chuckle at your silliness.

Although, he did feel bad when you were scolded. Okay so maybe he had a little crush on you too, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. After a long day of mopping floors and making bed you couldn't wait to get to yours. The minute you entered your room you saw a pretty blue gown siting on your bed beside a folded note.

I await your presence in the ballroom

Confusion was written all over your face as you kept on re-reading the note. H? You kept on wondering who it could be, when it clicked in you. Could it be? You pushed away all your thoughts as you got dressed and went to the ballroom. All of your doubts were cleared and questions answered the moment you saw him standing in the middle of the ballroom a huge grin plastered over his face. He walked over to you and asked for your hand which you gave but not before sending a curtsy his way to which his chuckled. "You highness, may I know as to why I was summoned?" You asked.

"You wanted to have a dance with me didn't you?"

"Oh, I-" You stuttered, trying to find the words. You were waiting for someone to snap you out of your dream, when his touch around your waist made you realize that this was all true. You were actually dancing with the prince. "I can see that you are confused," he began leading you to the center of the room and the string quartet began to play the music, "but I just wanted to do something for you."

"But I am just an ordinary girl who works as a maid."

"To me you are much more than ordinary." You blushed, "To me, you are the only girl in my eyes." He confessed as you spent the rest of the night dancing in each others arms, hoping to be there forever.  

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