Interview T.H

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It was daunting at first when you moved into the city from your little town. 3 weeks in and you still got lost, taking wrong turns and getting on the wrong bus. One day while you were aimlessly walking in the busy streets of London with a map in your hands, you happened to bump into the most handsome stranger you've ever seen.

"I am so sorry," you began to apologize, picking up your things scattered on the sidewalk,"I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright, no need to apologize love," He said flashing a sweet smile, "I assume you're new here?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah," He chuckled, "maybe I could help you?"

"You don't have to." You hesitated, at first you were a little scared you didn't know if he was actually being nice or was trying to abduct you.

"Please, it'll be my pleasure," He smiled, "I'm Tom."

"Y/n." You replied as you shook his hand. "So where do you need to go?" He asked as you explained to him how you needed to get to a job interview. Walking to the designated building you talked about how you came from a small town to get a job and how things were working out for you. Not realizing how quickly time passed he stopped you when you reached the office you were supposed to give your interview. Holland corporation, You read the name of the building and turned to thank the gentleman next to you,"Thank you so much!"

"It's the least I could do, I hope you get the job." He beamed.

"Oh, I hope I do," You sighed, "how could I repay you?"

"How about a cup of coffee?"

"Sure! Here's my number." You ask for his phone as you added your number.

You walk into the building and ask the receptionist where your interview was being held, she let you in a small white room with two people already seated in suits.

"We're just waiting for our boss then we can start." One of them informed, not long after he entered the room in a similar suit, your eyes went wide when you saw the same gentleman from earlier, he was supposed to be your boss?

"Let's start with the interview shall we?" The whole interview you tried to stay calm and not remember that you were supposed to be on a date with your boss later.

"You've got the job Miss Y/n! You'll start from next week." One of the suited gentlemen inform you after reviewing your resume. "Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity!" You exclaim, you walked out out the building feeling extremely happy when once again you bumped into someone,"I'm so sorry!"

"Congratulations on the job!" He beamed, you look up to see it was Tom, your boss.

"How about that cup of coffee?" He asked making you blush. 

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