Hairstylist H.O ♡︎

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"Ssh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair."

Being tired was an understatement. Taking care of a five year old was hard work, but Harrison, your husband was there with you every step of the way, especially because he was protective of Emily. But it was bound to happen, her being your first born she was spoiled rotten, which of course you didn't mind.

And due to their strong relationship, she picked up many of Harrison's traits; which was a tad bit annoying since they are literally the same person. Their most common and dominant trait was being stubborn, and that was exactly what Emily was doing right now.

"Honey, please stay still!" You practically begged your child. It was too early in the morning and you had to get her ready before the school bus came. "No!" She huffed. Yup, definitely her father. "I want daddy to do my hair!" Sighing you turn around to call Harrison but to your surprise he was already standing there chuckling at what was being unfolded in front of him.

He walked over and you handed him the tiny comb and crouched to her height, "Em, what did we talk about troubling mummy?"

"Not to do it." She responded, head hung low.

"That's right, now can you say sorry to her?" He asked and immediately she hopped off her little seat and ran across the room to you and hugged your legs, "I'm sorry mummy!" She said with doe eyes. "It's alright sweetie!" You said, placing a soft kiss on her head. After ten minutes of the father-daughter playing dress up, Emily left for school.

You plopped on the couch to take a five minute power nap, when suddenly you felt your messy bun let loose and your hair fall on your shoulders. Opening your eyes you saw Harrison standing over you, smiling.

"Harrison, what are you doing?" You chuckled, getting up from your position.

"Ssh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair," He cooed, making you sit back in your position. "You do so much for us, you need to relax." You were so happy you found someone like Harrison, always making sure you don't stress yourself out too much and you wouldn't trade any of this for the treasures of the world.  

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