Online shenanigans P.P

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Three hours. It's been three hours since your lecture started and you are exhausted. You couldn't take it anymore, rubbing your eyes in frustration as the professor kept making terrible puns. A soft knock caught your attention adjusting your glasses, you were met with the sympathetic eyes of Peter who had a cup of hot cocoa in his hand.

You loved living with Peter, he was the best, always making sure you don't overwork yourself and making you take your mandatory breaks. And your 'mandatory' breaks usually meant cuddling with your boyfriend while he whispered sweet nothing in your ear and reassuring you that things will get better.

'Is the camera off?' He mouthed, carefully entering the room and setting the mug on your table. Rechecking you nodded, standing behind your chair he kissed your forehead, "Sweetheart, you need to take a break." His silky soothing voice rang through your ears instantly making you divert your attention to him. "I'm almost done Petey, can we cuddle after this?" You asked, voice all hoarse.

"Of course princess, anything you want!" He pecked your lips, but neither of you pulled away and soon you started making out. Your lecture was long forgotten now, but the constant sound of notifications and endless calls made you pull away, checking the caller ID it was your best friend; before you could even say hello she began yelling at you, "Switch your damn mic off!! Everyone can hear you making out!!" Your eyes widened, rushing and immediately leaving the lecture. "Break time?" Peter quipped.

"Yes," you laughed, "break time." Sighing Peter carried you from your chair bridal style and placed you on your bed, tucking you in as well as himself and pulling you into his warmth to cuddle him. And he was in fact your serotonin and stress reliever.

a/n: I want this!!   

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