Birthday surprise H.O

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a/n: Just a small blurb for the birthday boy🥰 sorry it's a bit hurried I have absolutely no idea what I have written ಥ‿ಥ

Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, typos

You were in the kitchen preparing dinner when your five year old boy tugged on to you, "Mommy?" He asked softly.

"What is it sweetheart?"

"I was wondering since it's Harrison's birthday tomorrow if we could do something for him?" He suggested as he nervously fiddled with his fingers. It had been three years since your husband, now ex-husband, left you alone to care of your child and making you give up on love.

Untill one day, a blue eyed boy with sandy blonde hair entered your life and made you believe in love once again. It had been three months since you started dating and you were scared of Ben would react to you dating someone who was not his father, and your fears did come true; it took quite a while for him to warm up to Harrison.

And so when he came up to you asking to do something for Harrison it absolutely warmed your heart.

"Of course honey," you agree as little Ben grinned at you, "what do you have in mind?"


The door creaked open as you managed to balance the tray of breakfast in one hand and the other holding your son's. Ben climbed up on the bed and woke your beautiful boyfriend up by yelling 'happy birthday'. Albeit he was a bit startled at first he soon was aware of his sense and realised what was going on. "Harrison look!" Ben pointed at you, "I helped Mommy to make your favourite pancakes!" He said excitedly, which bought a soft smile on his face.

Placing the tray in front of him, you kissed him lovingly, "Happy birthday my love." You said with a loop sided grin. Harrison immediately pulled Ben in his lap as took a bit of his pancake and giving some for the two of you. "Ben these are amazing!" He complimented. After the scrumptious breakfast the three of you decide to have a day out.

A long tiring day later the three of you enter your apartment with Harrison cradling your sleeping child in his arms which once again melted your heart, "I'll put him to bed." Harrison whispered and trudged on the his room.

Harrison placed a soft kiss on Ben's head, he was about to leave when the small boy had his fingers wrapped around Harrison's pinky finger which made him wait back, "Good night dad." The boy muttered in his sleep. The blond was surprised as this was the first time Ben had ever call him that. Heading to your room, Ben's sleepy voice echoed in his head.

"Ben just called me dad." Harrison grinned, locking eyes with yours leaving you speechless as well. "He really does love you." You reassured him as you pecked his lips. "Best birthday ever." He giggled.  

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