Stress reliever H.O ♡︎

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Books scattered along with your notes and stationery, laptop battery draining along with your energy was how you spent your Sunday evening. If it wasn't for your damned exams you would have been out clubbing or simply waiting for your boyfriend to come back from work to cuddle.

Just like you, your boyfriend too was a very busy man, being a mobster wasn't easy and you understood that; besides, your books kept you company. You had no idea for how many hours you had been studying and neither did you care, you had to finish tonight, even though it meant to pull another all-nighter. But unfortunately your boyfriend had other plans for you.

"Hey lov-" Harrison was cut off seeing the sight of his girlfriend in sweatpants and his hoodie a messy bun, drumming the pencil on your book trying to concentrate. Slipping off the coat he came and sat beside you on your bed, snaking his arms around your waist, peppering kisses on your shoulder and trailing up to your neck, "Hey," He whispered, but you didn't give him the attention. "Y/n! Take a break." He dragged your name and begged you.

"I'm almost done," you placed your palm on his cheek and reassured him. But Harrison had his fair share of interrogations and he knew you were lying, the bags under your eyes said so, "One more chapter."

"Nope!" He announced and began to close your books and laptop keeping them aside, "You're taking a break now, and I'm not taking no for an answer." He stood up and put his forward signaling your to give yours. "Come on, I got a surprise for you!" He beamed.

"Haz!" You protested, but they were all in vain as Harrison was already dragging you out. He had his hand over your eyes as he led you to your 'surprise'. "Okay, open 'em!" He said, coming to a stop. Fluttering your eyes open you saw a small picnic-type set up in the backyard, surrounded by candles. Your hands flew to your ever wide mouth as you gasped softly. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" You said as threw yourself at him as he chuckled and almost loosing his balance. "Shall we?" You nodded. It truly was perfect, Harrison really knew how lighten you mood and so far he was doing great, he had your favourite food and you felt like all your worries had gone and it was only you and Harrison in this moment as you laid on the bedsheet, gazing at the stars and laughing to your hearts content.

"Thank you Haz." You smiled and pecked his lips as you walked back to your room.

"You deserved it, my little nerd." He laughed.

"Haha." You rolled your eyes and mocked him, getting under the sheets as a yawn escaped your mouth. Harrison began to undress and went in for a quick shower, when he came back he saw you already asleep looking adorable as always. A small smile crept upon his face as he got in bed and arms around you placing a soft kiss on your forehead, letting sleep take over him.

And as if last night's surprise wasn't enough, he decided to wake up before you and get you breakfast in bed. Balancing the tray in his hand his opened the door and placed it carefully on the bedside table. Sitting beside your sleeping figure he started to pepper you with kisses all over your face till you woke up giggling at his antics. "Morning, sleeping beauty," He cooed, "I got you breakfast!" He placed the tray in front of you, his famous pancakes and a cup of freshly brewed coffee to start the day. "What would I do without you?" You shook your head and pulled him in for a kiss as he laughed into the kiss, when your kiss was interrupted by Harrison's phone.

"Sorry, love duty calls." He winced.

"It's okay." You smiled.

"Good luck on your exam, you're gonna ace it!" He encouraged, kissing your forehead and dashing out the door, you sighed feeling less stressed, ready to give your exam thanks to your boyfriend.

Requested: 24 & 75 with Haz

Stress reliever H.O


Books scattered along with your notes and stationery, laptop battery draining along with your energy was how you spent your Sunday evening. If it wasn't for your damned exams you would have been out clubbing or simply waiting for your boyfriend to come back from work to cuddle.

Just like you, your boyfriend too was a very busy man, being a mobster wasn't easy and you understood that; besides, your books kept you company. You had no idea for how many hours you had been studying and neither did you care, you had to finish tonight, even though it meant to pull another all-nighter. But unfortunately your boyfriend had other plans for you.

"Hey lov-" Harrison was cut off seeing the sight of his girlfriend in sweatpants and his hoodie a messy bun, drumming the pencil on your book trying to concentrate. Slipping off the coat he came and sat beside you on your bed, snaking his arms around your waist, peppering kisses on your shoulder and trailing up to your neck, "Hey," He whispered, but you didn't give him the attention. "Y/n! Take a break." He dragged your name and begged you.

"I'm almost done," you placed your palm on his cheek and reassured him. But Harrison had his fair share of interrogations and he knew you were lying, the bags under your eyes said so, "One more chapter."

"Nope!" He announced and began to close your books and laptop keeping them aside, "You're taking a break now, and I'm not taking no for an answer." He stood up and put his forward signaling your to give yours. "Come on, I got a surprise for you!" He beamed.

"Haz!" You protested, but they were all in vain as Harrison was already dragging you out. He had his hand over your eyes as he led you to your 'surprise'. "Okay, open 'em!" He said, coming to a stop. Fluttering your eyes open you saw a small picnic-type set up in the backyard, surrounded by candles. Your hands flew to your ever wide mouth as you gasped softly. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" You said as threw yourself at him as he chuckled and almost loosing his balance. "Shall we?" You nodded. It truly was perfect, Harrison really knew how lighten you mood and so far he was doing great, he had your favourite food and you felt like all your worries had gone and it was only you and Harrison in this moment as you laid on the bedsheet, gazing at the stars and laughing to your hearts content.

"Thank you Haz." You smiled and pecked his lips as you walked back to your room.

"You deserved it, my little nerd." He laughed.

"Haha." You rolled your eyes and mocked him, getting under the sheets as a yawn escaped your mouth. Harrison began to undress and went in for a quick shower, when he came back he saw you already asleep looking adorable as always. A small smile crept upon his face as he got in bed and arms around you placing a soft kiss on your forehead, letting sleep take over him.

And as if last night's surprise wasn't enough, he decided to wake up before you and get you breakfast in bed. Balancing the tray in his hand his opened the door and placed it carefully on the bedside table. Sitting beside your sleeping figure he started to pepper you with kisses all over your face till you woke up giggling at his antics. "Morning, sleeping beauty," He cooed, "I got you breakfast!" He placed the tray in front of you, his famous pancakes and a cup of freshly brewed coffee to start the day. "What would I do without you?" You shook your head and pulled him in for a kiss as he laughed into the kiss, when your kiss was interrupted by Harrison's phone.

"Sorry, love duty calls." He winced.

"It's okay." You smiled.

"Good luck on your exam, you're gonna ace it!" He encouraged, kissing your forehead and dashing out the door, you sighed feeling less stressed, ready to give your exam thanks to your boyfriend.

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