Safe place H.O

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Summary: Your three overprotective brothers make your life harder than it is.

Pairings: best friend! Harrison x Holland! sister.

Harrison's POV

I noticed the clear skies as I was driving over to the Holland's. After a long week of grey skies it was easy on the eyes to finally see the sun.

I pull my car in the driveway and made my way to the door. As my hand touched the cool metal door handle I could hear a lot yelling coming from inside the house, possibly the daily sibling squabble. But it seamed really intense this time. As I was about to push the door open, which the family didn't mind since I was family, the door flung open revealing a very angry y/n.

"Out of my Osterfield!" She threatened; I stepped aside as I had a will to live.

"Y/n! Come back! Please?" Tom pleaded after her followed by Harry and Sam.

She was at the end of the driveway when she turned around with tear stained cheeks,

"No! I've had enough of you three controlling my life! Leave me alone!" She sobbed as she ran away.

I looked at the three boys and figured out what they must have done. "Why is it when something happens is it always you three?"

"What do you mean, always us three?" Harry chimed, eyebrows furrowed.

"I mean why do you three always have to upset her?" I reasoned.

"We're siblings! It's what we do!" Tom stated.

"Every week?" I asked, "It's the third time this week."

"Well we messed up pretty bad this time"
Sam admitted looking at Harry and Tom.

"You need to fix this" Tom pointed at me.

"Me? I'm not cleaning this mess, you three clearly made!" I said furiously.

"She won't listen to us. You're one of her closest friends maybe she'll listen to you?" Harry suggested.

It's true, y/n did prefer me over these idiots. But that's the problem. Friends. I hated that label so much, I've had feelings for y/n for years but I've never had to courage to ask her out, which is partly my fault. But that's the reason I had come over to talk to her brothers before asking her so that they wouldn't kill me. They may seem sweet people but if you know then personally they are really scary and protective when it comes to y/n.

"Haz please!" Tom pleaded.

"Ok, fine!" I sighed, "but you owe me"

"Thanks Haz!" Sam smiled.

I walked over to my car and went to the one place I would find y/n. She would always go there whenever she was upset. I was the only one she told about this private location, saying she trusted me to know where her safe place was.

I pulled over when I arrived at said 'safe place'. I saw her sitting on one of the branches of the trees in the far corner of the park where no one ever went, her back facing me. When she first bought me here she told me that the view from there really relaxed her, making her forget all her worries. Walking over to her I hear her sniffing and sobbing. It really made my heart break, seeing her like this.

"Thought I'd find you here" I said startling her.

"Haz-" before she could finish her sentence, she slipped off the branch letting out a little squeal. I immediately run and catch her in my arms, her's wrapped around my neck.

"T-thanks" she stuttered, as her cheeks turned red. Was she blushing? Did I make her blush? What the hell is going on?!

Your POV

Tears ran down my cheeks as I ran towards the park to get my 'safe place'. The one place in the world where I could find peace, the one place where I could leave all my troubles and worries and just be one with nature. I've been coming here ever since I was 5. The only one person who knew about this place was Harrison. No one in my family knew about this place but him, not even my friend Ally.

When I reached I immediately climbed up that familiar tree with ease. I sat on one of the stronger branches and cried my heart out, until I was interrupted.

"Thought I'd find you here" a familiar voice said. Startled, I lost my balance and fell. Thinking I would fall flat on the ground I squealed. As a reflex action when I felt someone catch me, my arms immediately went around their neck. When I opened my eyes I saw my best friend, holding me close to him looking like a knight in shining armour. My knight in shining armour. I didn't realise when the blood rushed to my tear stained cheeks, making me look like a tomato. Thing with Harrison is he's always made me feel the heat rise up my cheeks, he just never happened to notice. I've tried leaving subtle hints but it was no use at all. After all it was the cliche falling in love with your brothers attractive best friend. I even tried dating other guys to get over him, but he has to be just perfect doesn't he? Tom, Harry and Sam always chased any guy I ever brought home, just thinking what they'd do to Harrison scared me.

I thanked him as he gently put me down.

"So, who was it and what did those three divs do this time?" Harrison broke the awkward silence as he motioned me to sit down by the tree.

Letting out a deep sigh I sat down on the cool grass of the park, Harrison sitting in front of me.

"It was this guy from my English class, Ryan, we were supposed to be partners for a project which was half our grade." I began, biting my cheek to stop the tears from falling again.

"So we went to my room to begin with our project and they just came in and threatened him to leave" I continued as the tears slipped down. "H-he said that he won't do the project with me and-" I couldn't finish my sentence as my voice started breaking. Immediately Harrison engulfed me into a tight hug and tried to calm me down.

"It's okay." He cooed softly, rubbing my back. "Don't worry I'll talk to them" he added. I sat there in his arms for about an hour and a half, trying to calm down when I realised that my safe place wasn't on some branch of a tree or secluded area in the park. It was this boy right here. Harrison. This blonde with with beautiful ocean blue eyes and an amazing friend is my safe place.

Part 2?

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