A simple message T.H ♡︎

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a/n: Request from tumblr,
Tom Holland x reader where reader took chances to reach out to him through IG and for some reason he opened the message and it happened to be at the time that the reader was near the actor, maybe fluff ?

"Come on y/n! Are you seriously overthinking this? It's not that big of a deal!" Allison encouraged.

"It is to me!" You laughed.

You were at one of your best friends house having a sleepover, and right now you were playing truth or dare. They had dared you to DM your celebrity crush, Tom Holland, but you were very shy even though you were miles away from him. "Okay fine!" you said in defeat, "Let me think."

"Don't forget to mention how you want to smack that ass!" Julie snickered.

"I will most certainly not mention that! And he's probably not even going to see it so..." you replied trailing off. After a good five minutes, you showed them the text; it said how much you love him and his acting and how proud you were to be fan, but only in a long paragraph.

"And sent! There are you happy now?" You giggled, as they teased kept teasing you the rest of the night.


5 months later you were at now at the airport waiting to catch a flight to Montreal, when you got a notification from an update account that he was at the same airport as you. Your heart started racing from excitement. After all those years of waiting could today be the day you might finally meet him? And right now you were sitting in the waiting area, dying out of boredom till they called your flight, so you decided to take a short nap.

And that's when dear Mr. Tom Holland decides to show up and sit opposite of you. How convenient?

"How much longer till we board the flight Harrison?" He asked his best friend.

"I don't know, I'll go check."

"Can you get me cup of coffee please while your at it? Please?" He pleaded, as he took out his phone to do what everyone of this generation would do, that scroll through their Instagram and being a big celebrity he decided to go through the thousands of dm's. That's when he came across your profile picture which was you hugging you dog. Obviously, he decided to check your profile, which was mainly pictures and videos of your dog and some of your art work, which absolutely blew his mind, but that was nothing compared to your beauty.

While he was scrolling through your profile he was wondering how long it took Harrison, he looked up to search from him when his eyes met your sleeping figure. At first he thought it was the jet lag so he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and looked back at his phone to confirm his eyes. It was you. He soon checked the dm you sent him upon reading it he began blushing he still wasn't used to such flattery so he decided to reply to your message.

Thank you.

P.S. You look really adorable when you sleep:)

That's when Harrison decided to finally show up with the information and cup of coffee. "Took you long enough."

"Piss off there was a long line." he grumbled.

Soon enough your flight was called waking you up from your nap, as soon as the plane took off you decided to check you phone. Thank God for in-flight Wi-Fi. Opening your Instagram you were quick to notice the new dm and headed over there only to see a new message from the person you'd least expect. You wanted to squeal when you read the message, but then decided to play it off cool and replied with a witty reply.

Stalker much?

To which he replied, Not at all love.


"And that kids is how I met your father" You said as you tucked your twins' in, meanwhile Tom was standing at the doorway waiting for you.

"You love telling them that story don't you?" Your husband joked.

"It's better than any fairy tale."

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