Fever H.O♡︎

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a/n: Haz helping reader through a fever (like severe body aches, dizziness, etc) I think I've fever and I just want hazzy 😭

Usually you came home at around 7 pm but today when the knob began to turn at 4 pm confused Harrison until he was met with droopy eyes and a red runny nose. "Harrison." You quaked as you shivered making your boyfriend rushed to you only for you to launch yourself at him, trying to steady you he felt your burning skin.

"Y/n, you have fever, you're burning up!" He said as you carried you bridal style to your room, placing you gently on the bed. "Okay I'm gonna run you a bath, make you soup and give you your meds okay?" He informed you.

After your bath he made sure you were warm enough under the covers, he placed the tray in front of you only for him to feed you. "Come on, y/n open up." He cooed as he blew over the hot soup.

"No!" You whined.

"Love, you've got to have something, you can't take your meds on an empty stomach please." Of course when he says it like that you comply. After finishing your soup and taking your meds, Harrison scooted beside you under the covers to cuddle you. "Haz, what are you doing? You're gonna get sick." You coughed.

"Well, then it'll be worth it." He said as he pulled you closer to his chest. 

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