Flattery is key H.O ♡︎

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Mob! Haz

It was a quiet day at the young Osterfield's mansion, since Harrison had cleared his schedule as well as granted breaks to all the servants for the holidays; so that it was just you and him in the humongous mansion.

Now you were an early bird whereas Harrison was not, but as much as you wanted to wake him up, you didn't because he deserved rest since he had been overworking himself to get a few days off. And since he was a deep sleeper too it was easy to get out of his grasp and head down to the kitchen, footsteps padding on the polished wood.

It had been quite sometime since you had last made some breakfast for him, so you decided to make something Harrison would definitely like, but he was a sucker for your poached eggs with toast and that's what you decided to do. You were able to get most of the ingredients but unfortunately for you, the plates were kept on the top most cabinet and out of your reach. Struggling to reach the cabinet you felt two arms wrap around your waist and lift you up. "Need some help elf?" Harrison chuckled.

"Just because I'm short doesn't mean you can call me an elf." You scoffed at the love of your life as he put you down after grabbing two plates.

"No, I meant you're too adorable and pure for this world!" He confessed, pecking your lips.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Haz." You laughed.

"You're here aren't ya?" He smirked, making you blush, "Breakfast?" You asked.

"Sounds good." He said pecking your lips a few more times. 

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