A Merry little Christmas H.O ♡︎

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The holiday season was just round the corner, and couples were getting together making you feel lonelier than you already were. You were hanging out with your cousin Tom and his best friend Harrison who you hated with all your soul; it was one Christmas when he "accidentally" spilled gravy on your favourite pink dress. And ever since then you've never wanted to be around him but unfortunately he and Tom were stuck to him, so you sucked it up because Tom was your favourite cousin.

"Hey Y/n, I'm hosting a Christmas party this week." Tom informed.

"Okay, I'll be there." You shrugged.

"But there's a catch."


"You have to bring a date."

"Why?" You groaned, "You know I don't have anyone!"

"That's the whole point!"

You didn't want to argue with him, so you decided to agree and bring a date. You immediately began to text all your male friends asking if they'd be your date but all of them were either out of town or with their girlfriends. A few hours later you were walking up to your car when you heard someone call your name, turning around you saw Harrison, he was the last person you'd want to see right now.

"What do you want, Osterfield?" You asked.

"Hey Y/n," you nodded, "I wanted to ask if you got a date to Tom's party?"

"Not that it's any of your business but no, I don't have a date."

"So looks like we're the only ones without dates huh?" He chuckled.

"So what's your point?"

"I was hoping we could put whatever happened between us in the past and you'd go with me?"

"Nice try there buddy boy," you chuckled, "but there's no way I'm going with you."

"Come on, don't do it for me, do it for Tom!" He begged. You sighed, "Only for Tom and we don't ever speak to each other ever again, got it?" You threatened.

"Yes ma'am." as you got in your car and drove off, Tom came out and stood beside Harrison, him slipping out twenty bucks.

"Twenty bucks that's it?" Tom exclaimed.

"Dude you're a millionaire!" Harrison reminded him, "and twenty bucks is all I got."

"I still can't believe she fell for it though."

"She is your cousin after all." Harrison commented, going back inside the house.



The bell rang and you opened and opening the door revealed Harrison wearing a similar sweater, "Are you kidding me?"

"What?" He took another look at his outfit, and chuckled when he saw you wearing the same thing.

"You know what, I'm not even gonna change, let's just get this over with." You sighed, as you walked out. At the party you and Harrison were acting as if y'all were actually couples, leaving everyone at the party shocked. You know how they if a guy teases a girl it's because he likes her, but in your case it was the complete opposite. Yes it was true you had been harbouring the biggest crush on him, but you wouldn't let him have the benefit of the doubt. The night soon came to an end as now you were just walking out the porch when Harrison pulled you back and you crashed against his chest, startling you.

"What are you doing?" You whispered.

"What I should have done a long time ago," You gulped, "I want to apologise Y/n, for what I did, I know we were little and I don't remember what exactly happened, but I'm sorry." Now you feel extremely guilty for how you've been acting towards him, that's when you looked up and noticed the mistletoe hanging down at the two of you. Instantly you place your cold lips on his warm ones and melt into it.

"Woah!" Harrison whispered, pulling away.

"I forgive you," you said as your eyes locked with his, "and I'm sorry too, for the way I've been to you." And once again you felt the heat of his lips on yours, "I forgive you too." he chuckled.

You didn't notice Tom standing at the doorway until he cleared his throat. "Harrison, can you go warm up the car, I just need to talk to Tom." You didn't know if it was the cold or Harrison that made the heat rush to your cheeks. "Thanks for hanging the mistletoe there, I owe you." You thanked Tom.

"Making me the godfather will be more than enough." He laughed as you hugged him goodbye. 

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