Pet P.P ♡︎

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"So I was driving past a pet store and couldn't help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home."

Moving in with Peter was the best decision you ever made, and if you hadn't already fallen for him, his domestic side made you fall more for him.

You woke up one morning with Peter nowhere to be seen, making your way to get a cup of coffee you saw a little sticky note stuck to the coffee maker,

Be back in a few xx

And just as you took a sip of your coffee you heard the keys jingling on the other side of the door, Peter entered with a box of donuts in his hand. "Morning." He greeted, pecking your lips.

"You were out early." You said, taking out the chocolate donut and stuffing your mouth.

"Well I wanted to surprise you," he shrugged,"So I was driving past a pet store and couldn't help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home."

"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah ya know, it'll be fun!"

"I would love to Pete," you smiled and pecked his lips, "so what are you thinking, a dog, cat or a hamster?"

"Well I was thinking something different." As soon as he said that you could hear a faint bleating which made your boyfriend flinch in fear.

"Pete, please tell me you didn't get a goat."


"Peter! How are we gonna keep a goat in our apartment? And which pet store sells goats?" You panicked.

"Calm down Y/n," he held your hands in his, "it's a baby goat, and after I passed the pet store I drove to a farm and bought it from there." He explained.

"Pete listen to me, I love you okay? But we can't keep a goat in our apartment, it will practically eat everything, you have to take it back."

"But babe, Billy can't be left alone in this world!"

"Billy?" You raised an eyebrow, "just take it back to the farm, I'm sure they won't mind." You tried to reason with him. But Peter really didn't want to let go of the goat, so you came up with an alternative. "Okay, how about we do this, you take Billy back to the farm and we can visit him whenever you want, how does that sound?"

"I guess I could live with it." He pouted. But he knew he would make you get up in the middle of the night to meet Billy so he agreed.  

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