Cuddles: The best medicine P.P

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a/n: Small blurb 🥰

It was Friday night, Peter was done with his patrolling and was now swinging around your neighborhood to you. Ever since the two of you started dating Peter made a rule that weekends were reserved for you, and you didn't dare argue you loved the thought of having him for almost two whole days.

Peter knew he was a bit late at night and you must have already gone to sleep but he couldn't wait to be with you; to have you in his arms. Sliding the window up he carefully entered your room, trying not to trip over anything and then seeing the most adorable sight in front of him. He loved seeing you sleep, looking so peaceful as cute little snores left you mouth or when you grabbed his shirt in your fist while cuddling; a little chuckle leaving his mouth remembering all the times you cuddled.

All those memories made Peter even more desperate to hold you, getting rid of his suit he got in his sweatpants and a plain old tee. He climbed onto the bed and under the covers scooting closer to you, snaking his arm around you and placing a kiss on your neck which was enough to make you stir in your sleep and flutter your eyes open; Peter nuzzling his nose in you neck breathing in your intoxicating scent.

"Peter?" You rasped.

"Hey, I missed you." He confessed.

"Missed you too." You said and turned over to face him, caressing his cheek and freckles that were illuminated by the moonlight coming from the window, putting you in a trance. While you were taking his features in, Peter took this opportunity and pulled you closer by your waist and into a long awaited kiss, leaving you in a laughing mess later. You placed your head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeats, "Tell me about your day Pete."

Peter began telling you about his rather uneventful day and after ten minutes of his rambling he looked down at you with doe eyes as you laid peacefully on his chest giving his butterflies and drifting off himself after admiring you. 

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