Late night calls H.O ♡︎

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Pathetic. That's how you felt. Standing on the sidewalk near the restaurant you were supposed to meet with a date, but got stood up. Immediately fishing for your phone from your purse, you dialed the number of a person you'd least call at this time of the night; but you knew he would come for you.

"Can you please come and get me?" You stuttered into your phone, giving him your location he was there within minutes in his car. Lifting you face, you locked eyes with his as the tears threatened to spill. You got in the car, and Harrison began to drive with the uncomfortable silence, he could tell how miserable you felt but he didn't push you.

"Can we go to your place?" You broke the silence.

"Of course, love." He softened his eyes at you. The thing about your relationship with Harrison was a bit complicated, mainly only because you two were friend with benefits. It was always booty calls, never 'can you comfort me' calls, so it was definitely a bit awkward to be in this position. Parking the car in driveway of the frat house, he got out and helped you out too, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulder and leading you in.

"Hey its Y/n!" One of his roommates bellowed, you didn't bother to know who, your eyes were fixated to your toes. "So are you two gonna get it on tonight?" He smirked, and received a warning glare from the blond. Harrison took you to his room and shut the door so no one would disturb either of you. "Here," he said handing you his hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, "you should change." And you did, you were in no state to argue with him and you also knew he was trying his best to comfort you.

Coming out of the bathroom you saw him scrolling through his phone, sitting on the edge of his bed, catching his attention when you appeared in his clothes, "So do you want to talk about it?" He asked, "If you're okay with it?" You nodded and climbed on his bed next to him, as you remembered how that jerk of a guy stood you up the tears began to fall.

"No, don't cry,I hate it when you cry." He cooed as he turned to you, wiping away the tears.

"I'm sorry." You sniffled and fell into his embrace which caught him off guard, but pulled you closer and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, letting his lips linger for a bit longer in hopes of comforting you. "You don't need to apologize love, this wasn't your fault." Harrison would be lying if he didn't say he was jealous, but he couldn't because you weren't his; you were free to date other people. Although right now Harrison wanted to beat up the guy who left you stranded and all alone. "Harrison?" He hummed, "Can you promise me something?"

"Of course love, what is it?" He ran his fingers through you hair.

"Promise me you won't beat up that guy." He was taken a back, it was like you could read his mind.

"I promise." He whispered and looked down to see you already asleep, breathing steadily against his chest, carefully he pulled up the sheets to cover you and wrapping you in his arms and promising himself to protect you always and you'd allow, forever. 

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