Different kind of alarm H.O

536 22 3

Warnings: flufffff

The bright sunlight crept through the curtains of the room as your boyfriend, Harrison, spooned you and admired how adorable you looked sleeping in his arms. After months of sharing a house with Harrison and his mates you two finally decided to getaway for sometime, and so far the tropical islands of Hawaii were treating you well.

The sleepy blond really debated waking you up or admiring you as you slept, in a not so creepy way, so he had the best idea to wake you. He tightened his grip on waist and pulled you closer to his chest and began to place feather light kisses on your exposed shoulder and traveling up to back of your ear and the your jaw; carefully turning you over so you were now on your back and he was hovering over you. And even that seem to manage to wake you, he just smiled to himself and focused on his mission of waking you up.

He placed soft, loving kisses all over you face and neck, except your lips, hoping that him missing that spot might wake you up. He still kept on going, he didn't mind any of this, and finally when he kept on pecking the corners of your mouth and the tip of your nose your eyes finally fluttered open. "Morning." You rasped, "This is a new way of you waking me up, not that I mind." You said, sending him a soft smile. Then finally he dipped his head and placed his lips on your, smiling into the kiss, his palm being on you hip firmly and your fingers threading his curls.

"Morning to you too, and I'm glad you liked it." He said pulling away, "This is much better than waking you to three divs shouting at 7 in the morning." He chuckled and pushed a stray stand of hair behind your ear.

"Don't count yourself out love." You remarked playfully and booped his nose.

"Is that so?" He smirked and flipped you so that you were on top of him now, "So I'm a div now?"

"Yup." You laughed and pecked his lips, "My div." Another peck.

"Well there's no denying that." You laughed and stayed there all day in each others arms appreciating the precious time the two of you finally have. 

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